–(NJM9) milestone


Earlier this year, I made all my entries prior to 2009 private. I just went back and made this one public.

I wrote that entry around 4pm (5 years ago). At 9pm, Matt and I drove 5 hours to Seattle to see a friend of mine. We went to Denny’s with her, then drove home a few hours later. Somewhere around 10am on November 10, 2004, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and the rest is history.

Here we are, five years later, married with two kids. I remember talking to Aimee (the friend we drove to see) about a week after we got together and telling her, "I know it’s early, and I’m not saying I’m gonna marry him or anything, but I just can’t picture my life without him in it."

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November 9, 2009

its amazing how things change 🙂

that’s adorable! xo

November 10, 2009

Wow..that’s why I love keeping a diary, otherwise we wouldn’t remember events with such detail. It’s insane how fast time flies by….

November 11, 2009

awwwwww…too sweet;)