My story? Pg 19

Work days were consistently hard work  but when we finished at 3:00 the rest of the day was amazing. Some days we would go swimming, someday we’d have ice cream or go fishing or canoeing. In ways this job was like summer camp. But in others it was still a job. The summer flew by quick and we had finally finished our 200 face cord of wood. Work was over. Time to head home. 7 weeks of this work. 7 weeks of paradise. I didn’t even want to leave. We took the ferry back to the mainland like we did every weekend before. This time it was sad. I didn’t miss anything but the island. Not my mom, not my dad. But I wanted the island back. I wanted that peaceful paradise. Summer was over. Fall was coming. I was at my home with the teachers. Very busy people. Always moving always working, meetings here get togethers there. It was to much. I wanted the peace and quiet. They were like little bees and I felt like a big ole bear who just wanted to relax and enjoy life. It was very stressful. Our personalities clashed regularly but one day shit changed. My guidance counselor called me. Asked me if attending the school where I worked at would interest me. I would get credits faster since the school Students live on campus for 20 days at a time.  She said we would be at school 7 days a week. From 6:00am to 10:00 pm. Which is how I’d earn credits faster. Needless to say I was thrilled. And accepted the offer immediately.

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