Let’s Bring Back Tag~

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Very shitty waitress, 15.

Office world twenty years

Factory worker working with the nicest ex bank robber I’ll ever meet from a halfway house…their main hiring pool

Subway, Eat Fresh 🙂

Four jobs you wish you had:
Oprah Winfrey

Phil McGraw

Dr. Laura Schlesinger


Four movies you can watch over and over again:
ShaShank Redemption

Forrest Gump

Girl Interrupted

Sophie’s Choice

Four cities you have lived in:
Wiesbaden, West Germany


Washington DC

Four TV shows you love to watch:
Little House on the Prairie

South Park



The Simpsons 

Four websites you visit daily:
Open Diary

You Tube

Four of your favorite foods:

Chef Salads with no onions



Four things you won’t eat:
Sweet Potatoes

Bean Soup



Four things you wish you could eat right now:
Ham Fried Rice

Texas Roadhouse steak dinner

Chef Salad

Huge cheese bacon potato

Four things in your bedroom:



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Four places you’d rather be right now:
Linda’s home

In my little girl’s dreams

In my little boy’s dreams

a deserted beach by myself

Four things you’re thinking about right now:

I need to call the cable guy to run cable up to my room.  I Hate The Closer and also wish I had  a functioning remote. 

I’ve a cousin with tattoes on his head and gang affiliated.  He keeps making fatherless children and once upon a time I worked in a factory with thugs.  One asked me how many children I had, he was 19.  I had one at the time and he boasted hmmph I have six.  I said no you don’t, all you have is fuck trophies.

I had stitches when I gave birth, but am currently supporting my first ten outside stitches.  I feel them every time they tug, and it makes me weak in the knees, I’m such a wimp.

My husband just got job slighted, I wish I could occupy his voice box next possible confrontation, and this Topamax is Not doing shit for my insomnia.  I love having a doctor and insurance~

I Tag all of you that read,

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August 24, 2012

Fun to read 🙂

August 25, 2012

RYN: Thanks sweetie :). There’s nothing like marrying your best friend <3.

Okay bestie, I know how you feel about this, but I do not like arguing with people, and I cannot hold myself together like you. You are a strong, amazing women. In any case, long story short — Drama — I am changing diaries “Cottonwood Creek” Please add me!