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May 26, 2009

How’s married life treating you (dumb question, I know, but I have to ask!)? How are the kitties? When can we expect babies? Are you enjoying teaching still? Any fun summer plans in the works?

RYN: Yeah…we love her stinky butt – except for when she plops it in our face when we’re trying to sleep! 🙂

Sarah asked all the questions I wanted to ask!

June 5, 2009

I have been wondering about David’s job search. I’m also wondering what your plans are for the summer! How are things going with the fam, too…haven’t heard much in the family drama department lately! I’m hoping we can get together sometime soon…I think in a few weeks I’ll be more comfortable taking Oliver out, so we can meet somewhere halfway-ish so that neither of us have to drive so far!