the secret joys of marriage

me: *looks at husband*
husband: *grins stupidly*
me: *grins stupidly back* what are you buying?
husband: *still grinning* lights
me: lights for what?
husband: for the car
me: for where in the car?
husband: for the front of the car
me: you just bought lights for the car. i asked you to wait a year before buying new lights.
husband (still grinning, btw): i don’t think i can wait a year
me: six months?
husband: nuh-huh
me: three months??
husband: LOOK! they’re pretty and they’re BLUE. can i pleeeaaaassseee buy them?
me: can i get an adding machine? can I buy dog food? can I buy anything for the house?
husband: but none of those things illuminate as you’re driving down the highway!! safety first!

***this conversation actually took place, word for word, not more than 10 minutes ago***

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April 20, 2009

😀 You loons 😉 xxx

April 20, 2009

i missss u

You poor girl – you haven’t a chance! Your father says you can never argue against ‘Safety First’ LOL