All I’m Asking for is a Little Décor

Remember how in the old days we decorated the front page of our diaries like the inside of our high-school locker? All those awkwardly self-conscious blurbs about our deep inner lives, decorated with terrible HTML, tacky fonts, and poignant quotes superimposed over abstract versions of selfies before we knew what selfies were? No? So maybe that was just me. But I miss that page.

I think I might pay the fee to stick around (which I’m not begrudging—$3.99 isn’t much to ask to keep the site running). Although as much as I’d like to believe I’ll suddenly become prolific, it’s far more likely my writing pace will be about as steady as it was in 2012 when I posted, what, 5 posts? I’m too lazy to go look, but that sounds right. So if I write 5 posts over 12 months at $3.99 a month that means every post better contain…hold on, I’m mathing…about $10 worth of witty observations, dramatic confrontations, profound insights and overall HBO-worthy entertainment.

Am I up to that? Probably. Maybe. But I think I need a selfie-covered, sparkly, rainbow-font-sprinkled cover page to be sure.

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March 16, 2018

I remember those days. I taught myself HTML, CSS, and Photoshop just to enter diary layout contests.

March 16, 2018

Oh the good old days! I had such an embarrassing, self-important introduction…along with this retro looking graphic of a woman that said something to the effect of “The cast is great but I haven’t quite figured out the plot.” Oy. My profile picture was a sonogram picture of a baby with a sword that said “Fetus attacks when provoked.” On second thoughts…maybe I can’t handle the responsibility of decorating my OD. LOL. I do miss the website graphics of the 90’s and 00’s….so much glittery graphics!

March 17, 2018

I still have the basic CSS code I used for my layout. If we ever get that chance again I’m hoping it’ll work..

March 17, 2018

I agree it is a little bland looking. But as usual, your words dazzle!

now if I could just figure out how to friend you…