Slower than a Turtle part1

Hi OD!

Hey I was supposed to write my second entry last night but tasks came so here I am now doing it in the morning. So now I think the setup will be like yesterday’s flashback. So what happened? After doing my 1st entry I tried to open other sites of public journals/diary and even a blog😃 and the nice thing is I don’t know actually what to do in a blog😁 Isn’t it amazing? It’s like eating an icecream where I really have to bite it instead of licking it hahha oh dear, again thought of food. Anyway nothing much happened yesterday I just went on reading and commenting on entries. 

Ok flash forwad…….Nighttime! after having meals around 10 I went on doing work related stuffs. And I discovered something, that there is still something that is twice slower than a turtle. I just could not believe how amazingly my net connection had slowed my entire night. Felt like walking on the moon.OOOOOO so wonderful that it made me pop my fingers. I am just so glad now I have to resend my files because my supervisor has sent me tons of beautiful messages asking me to send the files which she has been waiting since last night. AMAZING!

Ok Time check, 10:24 am, Friday. I will have a part 2 right away after this cause I receive an unexpected request from someone here in OD page.

see yah in part2 OD💇


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July 17, 2020

The best thing about diary/blogs/whatever else is that they get to be whatever you want them to be.

July 17, 2020

@heffay absolutely true.😊😊😊