Crummy last few days…

I just had two shit show days in a row. I thought about not posting, but then, I am nursing a headache and so might as well keep busy to get rid of it. I traded in my 3DS XL for a 2DS XL, but it was defective and so we ended up paying for a new system when I am technically not supposed to get tech until November which sucks. Now I owe Bees $$$ which I have no problem paying but Heather and Raza are not going to be happy campers. Nor is Dave. Mom is disappointed but she still loves me.
I hate my life sometimes. I am severely depressed… don’t worry, I won’t do anything… I just wish life would get better.
I’m sorry. 🙁 I hope things get better soon.
@free_spirit_gal TY 🙂
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I’ve been nursing a strange headache off & on for days. Maybe we’ve got COVID?!
@ghostdancer Oh God no. I hope not. I’m double vaxxed… so…
@kartoffeltorte So am I. But that doesn’t mean we can’t catch a mild form of the sucker.
@ghostdancer I will pray for you. 🙂
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Aww, I’m sorry. Hang in there, Sammy. Tomorrow is going to be a new day and a new chance for things to be better. There are a lot of people who care about you. Remember that, okay?
@heffay 💖💕
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I’m so sorry, cuppy-cake. I’ve been depressed lately too. Let’s hope we pull out of it, ja?
@soldis *hugs*
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