It is so fucking hot!!!

Thankfully, Bees is getting us Timmy’s off of Skip the Dishes. I can’t get my iPad traded until Wednesday when the mall opens up which sucks but that is fine by me. We can do it Friday when I get paid, and I am getting an xtra $100 from Dave for my birthday money.
Feel free to drop by my new blogs
I will have a creative writing blog there too. 🙂
Sammy xoxo
You have so many places you post. I only have OD. I don’t even do Facebook much anymore. I got burned out.
@novembercirese Unfortunately FB is a part of my soul like it was tattooed onto me. *rolls eyes*
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ye s stage  2 then just hope ford don’t put us in to lookdown for the long weekend he as every long weekend so far
@ihavenoarms Esp, with that Delta variant?? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
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