This is very interesting…

This right here, popped onto my screen as I opened the Edge browser this morning. I don’t think I can take another pandemic. But if Granddad Biden says so, then, omg. COVID-19 has been devastating to individuals and businesses… idk, what do you think?? Do you think we could handle another bigger, more awful pandemic?????

Anyways, it’s Saturday, and that means, computer maintenance mostly. I woke up at 6a, fell back asleep after going to the loo, and then, just woke up 10 minutes ago. 

And I just saw this!


We is in trouble deep.


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September 4, 2021

I assume you have virus protection on your computer. I would have thought that something like this would have been flagged.

September 6, 2021

@kotila When I open the Edge browser, there are different news stories presented to me. It wasn’t a popup. 🙂

September 4, 2021

I hate this damndemic, I really do.  I hate that I’m not supposed to hug anyone.  I even hug myself, but it’s just not the same.

September 6, 2021