So much time

There’s a quote that I love to refer to in times like these

Victor Frankl has been attributed to this:
Between stimulus and response, there is a space
In that space, is our power to choose our response
In our response, lies our growth and our freedom

Mar and I were walking to the car on Sunday after going to the Farmers Market for our Mother’s Day goodies she had pre-ordered. We talked about how odd this whole situation is, and how we have all of this time on our hands

We have this space between moments, where we used to fill it with technology, tv or something other than being present. Now that we have all of this time, all of these spaces, it’s been so refreshing to experience those pauses

Mar has been going a little nuts at home. She’s usually on her feet 8+ hours a day and sitting isn’t her thing.  She’s taken off on walks to all these parks, albeit closed, all around our area. It’s crazy to see all the green on the map of our town and the surrounding areas.  It’s nice too, since we always need the green to help clear the air and to give us rest.  She takes pics of all the cool things that she sees, lots of flowers, and cool structures. She’s using up her time in between the breaths with nature

I am often sitting on my patio, listening to my Audible book on my Echo in my dining room or listening to a webinar, with music on the Echo. Every so often, I will look up, check on Sugar, who sits on the chair behind me, face facing the sidewalk below.  Birds chirp, squirrels race around, there’s a lot going on around my complex.  I am pretty observant but I am finding that I am becoming more so in these times. I had no idea there were so many different kinds of birds here

No idea how long we will be in this state, I am so glad to have this space, to be outside and yet covered from the elements. I get so much work done at home but I really miss taking care of my people

Hopefully some day we’ll all be together again. I look forward to that

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