I’m a Total Lightweight…

I managed to get tipsy off of ONE glass of wine! Is that like a world record, or I wonder if someone else has gotten a little tipsy off of like one tiny glass of something…other than like straight alcohol. I’m just amazed because wine is not ALL alcohol, it has flavor to it as well…but it just makes me feel like such a lightweight, because I drink the glass of wine, and then I feel myself acting silly, and I mean, you know the feeling when you get tipsy/drunk when your body kinda feels a little like jello or something? Maybe I’m the only one that feels that way, but just parts of my body felt numb and I was being silly…..AND I also felt like showing off, and I think I did pretty well…

I guess I like to be a show off when it comes to DDR. We went to Gameworks which was really close to the restaurant we ate at last night in Florida (we ate at a Greek place, it was great), and the Gameworks had an Extreme and a SuperNova machine. So, I became a show off, these guys were playing on it, then I played afterwards, and did really well on a bad machine that gives pad misses. I failed Max 300 at the end because the pad was shitty, but if the pad were good, I would have totally passed, maybe even AAed it. Hahaha, so after that, all the guys around for impressed cuz it’s like, "ZOMG! A girl is playing Heavy Mode while under the influence of wine!" Hahaha, good times.

That’s all for now! Breakfast time!

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DDR is my bane. I tried it once and felt like total asshole bouncing like that in front everyone so I gave up and walked away.