Second Chances, To The Sorrow Of Irony

Second Chances, To The Sorrow Of Irony

swollen back beyond belief
for the memory could not wait
it held the tears to days
it felt the pain for years

fatherly love became a fear
a forsaken dream that never saw
the next day rise before dawn
only hope could save this irony-

true to fates doom
the one he feared the most
became his heart and soul
twelve pounds eleven ounces

the weight of destiny

his new found glory
just became his realization
of a lost past
he never looked at

tomorrow always brought a glimpse
to what his father never was
in his aging eyes
of reputed bitterness

greedily destroying the image
that drew such anger
as a young growing boy
this new father shined-

in the fatherless world
he believed was rightly just
the clouded vision
to the future he never knew

past deceptions became
a loving lesson learned
and taught his child the faith
that be the charm he lived by

not all sons are their fathers
and those who believe
can feel the redemption
to the sorrow filled change

another day brings…



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Thanks for the input, but my poem could never compare to what you have just written. Now that’s talent.

July 13, 2004

Just don’t know how I can tell about your poetry…simply awesome… Sometimes I have to read twice so as to get a glimpse of your thoughts… Just so glad to get a little inspiration here…thanks and take care……….

July 14, 2004

<p style ="background-image: url(; background-repeat:no -repeat; background-attachment: scroll;width:122;height:115″>Beautifully written. You’re very talented, you know that? 😀