alone again naturally

i stood in the glow of a street lamp as the first storms of the season came thru…

the rain fell hard and cold, stinging little spiders on my nerve ends…

the sky blinked black to white then back again, night exposed by a flash of light like a child sneaking out of the house…

i could taste the water washing away the chemical cleanliness leaving me clean…

flash again and still naked tree’s exposed as retching, grasping things clawing at the darkness…

the rain finally began to wash away the putrification of my humanity as i listened to the thunder roll across the sky and mix with the wet slapping of each drop as it struck the surface of the city and washed the stain of humanity away…

the storm did not last…

nothing does…

and still as the rain falls to a slight mist and the lightening flashes miles away turning the sky from black to milky grey…

i feel more at peace, cleaner in body and spirit…

and still i am alone…

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May 17, 2019

I can see the tree in the night and feel the cleansing rain.

May 17, 2019

I really like watching. the rain fall…the harder it falls the more peaceful I find it.