i beleive in miricles

“If you can believe in anything i have to say then grant me this;
i want her to have a place where she can go that is beautiful, peaceful and free of a ll the bad things this world has to offer, including me.
i want to have a place of absolute peace and serenity filled with all of our furry kids. Jasper, Bo, Saber, Baxter, Winky Cheese, Richmond, Black Lab, Hampton, Max and Dolly, Skitch and all the other names that have passed into mist.

“i want for her to have all the things she didn’t get in this life, all the things i couldn’t give. i want her to know perfect happiness, perfect joy and the calm of being disease free, whole and complete in your grace. please…”

Everything in my life is falling away from me…
But i’ve always wanted for her just exactly this…

If she finds it without me then the greatest gift i could ever give her is my absence…

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November 11, 2018

I hope you will get what you want in this life too…..It’s nice that you want for her but what about you?  The only thing I can give you is my friendship…

November 11, 2018

I hope you find your peace, too.