i cant stop the rain

just moved into a slightly bigger shit hole…

its cleaner…

Bo is not reacting well to the medications for his intestinal pollops..

a return visit to St Catherine is in the works…

SEVERE storms just ran through the city…

i love walking in the SEVERE stuff, it makes me feel “charged”…

there is a purity in the rain…

it washes away the film of humanity and makes me smell springtime fresh…

still hurt by Jaspers death…

the little prayers of doubts denizens cling to the frayed ends of my humanity chanting their prayers on their sweaty little rosaries that i will soon lose another loved son are getting nearly impossible to ignore…

Bouregard is the polar opposite of Jasper…

For all of Jaspers wisdom and refinement, Bo is a beautiful little dumpster fire…

He is pretty, he is love he is my very heart, god bless him he would lose a game of wits to a bag of hammers…

Bo is my lovely boy, my wonderfest man and the last shred of joy i have…

he will survive…

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May 28, 2019

we will all survive because we have to…there is just too much life to live….