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i saw a most beautiful woman today…

she was in line at a gas station in front of me…

when she went to leave she looked long and hard at me, then smiled a sheepish grin…

i paid her no mind, she is after all… female…

i, in turn was served and went to my car and noticed just barely someone walking up to me…

it was her…

i as filled with dread and after  watching her  walk for a moment, i became anxious…

not the bad kind, the metaphorical kind…

then she spoke…

and it ruined it for me…

there was nothing wrong with her voice, it was feminine and soft with a bit of a ghetto lilt…

i was driven insane because i knew when she spoke every word that came out of her mouth was a lie…

my reason is jaded by my experience…

am i wrong in my assumption or am i just, for lack of a better word, a dick?

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December 5, 2019

I think you should ask her for coffee or lunch then that way you can make a better judgement.

December 5, 2019

You might be wrong. But you might be right, too.

December 6, 2019

It’s easy to stay in the comfort zone of not trusting … not allowing ourselves the potential of being hurt again …… but it eventually becomes uncomfortable because we start to see the beauty in the world again and therein lies our struggle.  When you’re ready to trust again, you will answer your own question.

December 6, 2019

Not a dick, just being cautious. Depends what she said as well. I mean, I can generally tell if a person’s content is BS or genuine.

December 6, 2019

@devildoll i used to think that, until my wife pulled her crap… (to discover this read further back)