
before my day began tonight i received a call…

it was a notification that my joint account needed to be updated since her death…

it seems there was one final check from some forgotten place that hit and it tripped a warning signal at the bank…

i set down and powered up her phone…

i sat and listened to the bits of her voice left on the thing…

i sat and looked out the window as a soft sprinkling of rain fell…

i could almost see the waves of air pushing it to and fro…

i clutched that small bit of glass and silicone until i thought it would break…

then came Jim Croche…

and then came peace…

i went back to sleep for an hour…

that way i could begin my day tonight refreshed…

she haunted me all night…

time for bed and sleep…

those little slices of death…


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August 11, 2020

I’m sorry… Jim Croce is a good singer but his songs are sadder than fuck. 🤗

August 11, 2020

@sunshineandmoonbeams he was a great comfort to me back then… now he’s more of an old friend


August 11, 2020

@kermitallica Yeah… it’s too bad what happened to him. All the good ones go that way it seems.

August 11, 2020


August 11, 2020

I can relate. My estranged husband died this spring…. from what I can find out, something bad happened. His neck and ribs were broken. By the time, I found out, he was already buried. I’m trying to deal with the legal mess left behind but couldn’t even get them to release a death certificate to me……every time I have to deal with another issue, I just feel it all over again. It was a relationship with a lot of regrets….but I also loved him in ways I couldn’t imagine loving anyone else. And so all of that keeps coming back up. I’m not saying this to make it about me…just point out there are people with similar pain in their life. I know it helps me to know I’m not alone in this way. I’m sorry you are struggling.


August 11, 2020

@thecriticsdarling every day is a nightmare…
i am sorry about your husband…
nothing is easy…

August 11, 2020

I use to listen to Jim Croche also….