Beach snaps (pics)

I caught a train down to the Gold Coast yesterday and laid on the beach for a lot of the morning and afternoon.  It was a beautiful 23 degree day with barely a cloud around, slight breeze.  I hadn’t slept all night, so I wasn’t surprised when I woke up on the beach and realised I had passed out.  Luckily I think I had applied enough sunscreen, and I realised I had probably only passed out for maybe a half hour or so. 
It’s was so relaxing.  I just didn’t like all the sand mixing in with the sunscreen and feeling rough and I applied it to my skin.  I took a few photos whilst there, but I hate all of them.  My pasty white skin from the Winter that has just passed is rather unattractive and gross, so I think I might leave the photos I took and maybe wait for another time.

I was home back in Brissy by around 5pm or so, so I made a pretty good day of it and didn’t get back too late either.  I was a bit worried by the small amount of wind, but in reality it actually helped and felt amazing as I lay in the sun and the wind cooled my skin at the same time.  I had my sunnies on and my shirt over my face, just enough so I could still see.

It was only a Tuesday, and I didn’t see any hotties 🙁  Which is a shame.  I caught the train to Robina and ended up getting a bus back to Pacific Fair and decided to lay on the sand dunes at Broadbeach.  It’s so much nicer than Surfer’s Paradise and not as touristy, although it still is a bit.  There were a few lifesaver red and yellow flags in the distance either side of me, and a few other sunbathers, but I was pretty much in my own little area.  It was nice.  The recent erosion that’s happened there has created awesome huge sand dunes which I used to lay down on so I was almost on a 45 degree angle as I looked down at the surf and the people walking past.  i saw quite a few couples laughing and enjoying each other’s company.  Once again, I wished I could have that one day.

I didn’t contact any of my friends nor my brother when I was down there.  I just wanted the day to myself.  I had the day off and had brought my headphones so I listened to music the entire time pretty much.  It was pretty awesome.  I even passed out with the music still playing.

I grabbed some lunch at a nearby cafe – a chicken scnitzel turkish roll with a mineral water – it wasn’t too bad, and then I went back down to the beach for a while.  I only went in the water to wash the sand from my hands and the oiliness of the sunscreen.  It was then I realised the water was still WAAAAY too cold for me to be dipping my balls into.  Give it a few weeks, it might warm up enough to go in there 🙂

So it was a good self-reflecting day with me and my thoughts and my music.  I got home and realised I had been awake for 36 hours, besides the small nap on the beach.  I was so looking forward to a shower so I didn’t feel so yuck.  A day on the beach is nice and all, but so much crap gets stuck to you haha.  I think I must’ve had a small nap on the train back also.  I contemplated staying there and seeing a cheap movie at Australia Fair, as it was cheap Tuesday, but opted to stay on the bus and get home at a decent time.  I cooked myself some dinner and pretty much passed out in bed.

I have a sore throat now.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe something in the air at the beach.  I did fall asleep afterall and probably had sand blast into an open mouth lol.  Nah I didn’t taste any sand.  In the past I’ve always gotten sick at the beginning of Spring, so I hope that’s not happening.  Pretty sure I managed to avoid it last year! 🙂  I was doing nightshifts then do, so I didn’t really have much contact with other people as I was always asleep during the day.

Today I have to work at 3pm.  I woke up at 2:30am (I know right!) and had some really early breakfast.  It’s now 4:30am as I type this.  I want to go to the gym, but was gunna wait until the sun came up a bit.  I’d rather go during daylight 🙂  So today should be another day full of stuff if I plan it right.  I figured I’d write about my day yesterday while it’s still dark and I’m warm in my house.

I need to go and find out how much membership is at the local pool here.  I used to always just go as a casual occasionally with my old housemate, but I’ve been thinking I’d love to use swimming as a cardio excuse, and also not be SO DAMN WHITE.

I did brown up a little bit yesterday, but not much.  It’s a start I guess.  I realised I was only really a bit sunburned around my ankles.
Might grab some butter menthols on the way to the gym – fuck this throat off.

I know, boring beach photos.  I took this one to show the slope of the sand going up and the erosion.

Ergh, my nice hair from yesterday ruined already haha.  My front camera wasn’t working for some stupid reason, so I had to keep guessing where the button was on the other side – so annoying.  It was waaaay too bright to remove the sunnies – i woulda been squinting like a Chinaman 😛

My god, butch much? lol!

I took a shot at the cafe, where the front facing camera had decided to actually work again.  I guess it was just too bright on the beach for it the handle.

My god, you can see how tired I am haha.  Shame.  This is why I didn’t wanna put photos up.  Although these are terrible, I’ve left the real gross ones out 😛

Ahh sunnies, much better.

And then just the walk back to the beach for the afternoon.

So yeah, that’s what I did with my day off yesterday.  It’s something I guess.

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September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012

Great pictures!

You look so different with the new hair, it’s crazy. 😀

Dayum! You’re lookin good!

you look a like a man!

September 4, 2012

I would kill for a day off at the beach right about now. I’m really digging the new hairdo. Your shoulder/neck/chest is really getting defined… aka… Yummy. 🙂

September 4, 2012

I think you look great! But I can relate to the tiredness. suffering today!

September 5, 2012

you are so hot.

Great pixs!!!

September 7, 2012

You are a hottie! Those boys are lucky!

September 8, 2012

OMG, the sand is beautiful. (Hi, I found you on random)