Holy Shit! (More Flood Pics)

Well I log into facebook this morning and my parents and relatives have put up more photos of exactly how far the river has broken it’s banks.  I’m glad I hightailed it outta there when I did!  There’s no hope of getting anywhere now!!  I think this is now the biggest flood I’ve ever seen.  I’m putting them in my blog as I feel a flood is a pretty historical event and they don’t happen all too often, especially one of this magnitude.  My dad speaks of the flood in 1976 quite often – I’m sure this one is reminiscent of that.  These photos were taken at roughly 4:30am this morning.  It is now 9:30am as I write this.

This was taken from the roof on my parents house.  As you can see, the farm is completely under!

So this photo looks like it was taken from on top of the silo’s near the house.  I used to love climbing up there as a kid and taking photos whenever we had lots of rain!  I usually had to zoom in on the horizon to the lagoon to see water though! lol!  The house where I spent most of my life is to the left, and dad’s machinery shed to the right.

This is the loungeroom where I was sitting only three days ago!!!  That’s my nephew haha – he LOVES it!

Front Yard

Haha, this is where my car was parked when I was out there!  I keep thinking I’m so glad I got out – floodwater in a car is a hell of a smell to get rid of.

This is my aunty and uncle’s house just up the road about 2 kilometers (away from the river).

My dad reckons he put a height-marker on the silo furtherest away from when we had a flood in 1976.  I wasn’t born then, so next time I’m out there I’m gunna have a look and see the level difference.  Obviously these are the old-school silos lol, dad doesn’t even use these, they are probably just heritage listed or something.

This is another one of my aunty’s – they all live in the same area around there.  Same farm as the photos above, next to my my parents farm.  I love this photo – shows me how high the water really is!  Pretty insane!!!

I really dunno how my rellies get these shots! lol!

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December 27, 2010

wow… that is insane…

December 27, 2010

HOLY SHIT this is maddness! ur poor parents!

December 27, 2010

Hokey smokes! That’s terrible!!

December 27, 2010

OMG, the last shot is… kind of funny, kind of sad… really sums it all up though! Can kangaroos swim!?

December 27, 2010

That is some serious flooding!!! I hope they have good flood insurance. That shit’s expensive in Florida and not part of a regular policy. Of course, with the hurricanes we get, it’s necessary.

December 28, 2010

That’s aweful! I’m sorry your families’ houses are flooded and your right about the smell :/. I have to say seeing a kangaroo in the water was quite hilarious… so not anything I would ever see in real life lol.

lol the kangaroo at the end!!! but yeah man that sucks ass!!! Keep hearing about it on the radio. Jeez and I thought Perth’s storm earlier in the year was bad hehehe.