I look like a reptile

Work went alright, fairly fast and just had to fill overs, so that’s easy stuff.  Was glad I went in, easy day for easy pay.  I was still pretty tired though after getting home, as I guess I did have a big day.  I even said to my housemate that I felt productive as I walked in the door at 10:30am and had finished gym, an attempt to go to the pool and my shopping all by then 🙂  He was starting work the same time I was.  It was cool to be out by 5pm.  I’m never out before anyone else usually.

Oh, that’s right, I had my appraisal today.  Everything was all good except he picked up on me not doing my faceup properly.  And by properly, he means I overdo it.  So I find it absolutely stupid beyond belief that just because I do a really good job instead of a half-arsed job, that I’m pulled up on that.  He goes, "You don’t even realise you do it, but you still do".  Hmm well let’s see, six years of doing a job properly and you tell us only two weeks ago that you want the store to look like shit, sure.  Guess that just means I have to slacken off a bit.  Unreal.
I was good in all other areas, which I knew I was.  He said the appraisal was after 6 weeks (can’t believe I’ve been there six weeks already) and after 10 weeks they decide if they want to keep me or not.  I almost laughed.  I’ve been asked to do over double my contracted hours every week since I started there – I highly doubt they are gunna get rid of me.

And I was thanked majorly for coming in and helping out after I logged off also. 

Good management, but strange management.

I took a photo of myself at the train station when I was heading home from gym, just after I wrote the edit about drop-sets being fucking hard to do.  I saw the shadows that the grid at the train station were casting on me and they made me laugh, mainly because I looked like a reptile 😛

Edit:  A friend on fb posted a link to this hilarious Aussie blog today.
I particularly like the ones about bogans wearing pink, inappropriate erections and loving gay nightclubs haha.

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September 9, 2012

LOL Reptile Man! Still hot though:) Glad you had a good review!

Lizard Matt! LOL! ryn: At least your pictures look normal. I really thought that instagram only produced pictures that look like crappy old Kodak 110 film because that’s what people seem to like or something. Argh! It annoys me to see people ruin perfectly good shots by editing them to look like old crap! If I wanted to look at old photos, I’d look at old ones. They are usually more clear, anyway.

Oh, and about your review – a lot of places have a rule that management can’t give you a 100% good review. They have to find some area that needs improvement. This is to protect themselves from wrongful dismissal lawsuits if they decide to fire you for no reason. A manager at a company I used to work for told me that. She said she would have liked to give me a perfect review but her boss got on her about it. Nice, huh?

ryn – there’s no point in getting a skip for green waste that the council take fortnightly anyway or for cardboard that is recycled for free at the centre. The only hard stuff we have to get rid of can be hidden in the garage for now and then the council take it for free. xxx

September 9, 2012

Wait, weren’t you the villain in the new Spider-Man movie?!?!


September 9, 2012

For some reason it hasn’t let me leave you notes for ages (my phone, that is). Thank you for your supportive notes. What a ridiculous review! Maybe they’re scared you’re so good you’ll end up taking THEIR job!

September 9, 2012

And yes, you look rather reptilian!

September 9, 2012

Great shot!

September 10, 2012

Sexy snake man!!! Yummy! Well done on the appraisal. Better to be too thorough than sloppy 🙂

September 11, 2012

really hot. 🙂