Who the hell are you?

I worked today, another extended day, and I’ve been asked to work tomorrow lol – looks like this might be another 30+ hour week, and I’m okay with that.

I was working away today and this chick came up to me, or rather, she and her friend stopped on the spot and just looked at me.  You know when you can just feel someone is looking at you out the corner of your eye?  So I looked at her, expecting it to be a customer request.  She was just looking at me, as though expecting me to acknowledge her.  I thought to myself, "Do I know this person?"
I know I have a bad memory, but this chick didn’t look familiar at all.  I mean it could have been either Katie or Aimee, but then I thought, ‘No it doesn’t look like either of them’ LOL – how bad is that!?  She said to me, "Aren’t you going to say ‘hi’?"
Stupidly, I said, "Hi!" lol!  I seriously didn’t know who this girl was, and I still don’t as I write this.  I feel terrible.  Where do I know this girl from?  Clearly I didn’t sleep with her! LOL!
I didn’t recognise her friend either.
She goes, "I didn’t know you worked here!"
I replied, "Yeah I’ve only been here two weeks" (when in reality it’s been three, but meh).  I asked, "What are you doing here?  What have you been up to?" (in a pathetic lame attempt as if that would tell me who the hell this chick was without directly asking her "Errrrrrm, Ummmmm, who the fuck are you?" – how rude of me!)  I can’t help my memory, and I thought afterwards ‘Well clearly I must hardly ever see her if I don’t even RECOGNIZE her!’

She then kinda just left.  I’m not sure whether she just went on with her day or she realised that I am a horrible, terrible person who doesn’t remember people.
I keep trying to think who the chick even resembled and I keep coming up with Aimee, but her voice didn’t match Aimee’s!
I’m gunna be wondering who this chick was who knows me, from somewhere, at some time.  Surely she couldn’t have mistook me for someone else.  Obviously it has to be me.
You know what’d be worse?  If she comes in again to chat and I’m still there like, ‘Ohhh yeah, so how’s…the boyfriend/sister/brother?’ (when she mightn’t even have one).  Is it rude to just be like, "Look, I’m sorry but I don’t recognize you"?

Terrible Muriel…terrible.

How sexy is Liam?  Such an inspiration from how skinny he used to be.  I guess I’m kinda hoping to follow in his footsteps… someday soon.

Also, George Takei posted this on facebook yesterday and it really makes me think to not to jump to conclusions 🙂

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Was it a girl you knew in school? I had something similar happen to me, when I bumped into a guy that I knew in high school, as I was walking out of a Home Depot. May I ask what Liam’s outfit is all about? He looks like he’s meant to be Tuxedo Mask, in some Sailor Moon porn! Haha! And RYN: I used to feel weird telling my parents that I loved ’em, too. I still feel a little strange saying it.

August 27, 2012

Liam is gorgeous!xx

August 27, 2012

that guys is sooo hot.

August 27, 2012

RYN: hahaha, me too 😉 xx

I can almost guarantee you that you won’t be getting a message on Facebook that’s that nice. Haha! Also, what’s wrong with being skinny? You don’t have to look like an Aberzombie and Bitch model to be a man. 😛

August 27, 2012

I forget people all the time and don’t feel bad about it because I am too effing popular to remember every person that I come across in my lifetime. I didn’t even remember my best friend in elementary school, I’m that bad. As for the picture about the his/her diary, TOO TRUE!

August 27, 2012

Weird, I hope you eventually remember who she is. I don’t think it would be rude to say “I’m terribly sorry, but I have an awful memory and am having a hard time putting my finger on where I know you from”. That way you’re kind of saying that you know her but just not where from.

August 27, 2012

I would have been like, “I am really sorry, but I’m not sure where I know you from…” I have lived in so many states that it is completely impossible for me to remember who I know from where anymore!!

OK, it was me, Matt. I wanted to surprise you but you were so cold that I just walked out. Thanks a lot, pal! Haha! Just kidding. Here’s what I would do. If she shows up again, I’d just act like I was trying to remember her name and say something like, “I know your name, I just can’t think of it!” Then she’ll say her name and, hopefully, something else to jar your memory like “from such & such.” Or…maybe she was hitting on you.

August 27, 2012

Hahaha awkward!! My idiot ex posted that photo thing before… cept he used to cheat on me all the time so it made my blood boil. He was making out that women are just so dramatic and paranoid but actually does cheat at any opportunity. Sorry, deferred anger here!!

September 4, 2012