You conniving wanker

I forgot to write in my previous entry so I’ll make another one – entry three for the day!  Wow, on a roll.

Last Friday when I got to work, Mel, the Grocery 2IC manager told me an old man had come in the day before (Thursday- which was my half day) asking  to see me.  I had already gone home and the Grocery Manager Nicole took a message for me.  He told her that a friend of mine had died and that the police were looking for me.

I was shocked when Mel told me this!  A friend of mine had died?!  The cops were after me?  She then told me that he asked for my number so he could contact me.  Nicole said ‘No sorry, we don’t give out personal information’.  She then asked him for his number, but his response was ‘No he doesn’t even know me’.

Nicole wasn’t at work the next day, so I couldn’t ask her anything, and Mel was only passing on information Nicole had told her.  I was freaking out a little inside.  I had an idea who the person coulda been, but I really wasn’t too sure.  Actually i was near possitive who it was, but I had to keep that little bit of ‘what if’ in the equation?

I didnt see Nicole til Saturday and she said he was "old" and has ‘slicked hair’.  I asked if he had one of those throat pieces, but she couldnt remember.  Gee its not hard to miss!

Bryn!  Who else would make up such a bullshit story just to try to get my number?  I haven’t contacted him once since I moved out and I really don’t care!  After what he did to me.  Because of him I’ll never live with old people again, bar my parents!  I’m quite happy where I am now, with people my own age, and if he’s lost my number that’s his problem.  I ain’t giving it to him again, or a legitimimate one anyway. 

I mean, seriously, who the fuck does that?  Tells my work colleagues that a mate of mine has died and the police are looking for me all so he can trick them into giving him my number.  Piss off.  I’m so glad Nicole told him no.

Christ he needs some help.

So now I’m worried that all this week he’ll come into the store looking for me again.  He’s sure to do so.

When I heard on Friday I told the checkout staff to let me know if he came in the store (not over the PA) and asked for me, cos I didn’t want him knowing I was there.

Wasn’t happy Jan! 

Go back an entry for a more happy one

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October 29, 2007

What a fu*king wanker. Thats just cruel.

October 29, 2007

I know you were sick of living with him, and that’d he’d dicked you around a bit with not telling you that the lease was running out – but am I missing something? I didn’t know you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him? But yeah – that’s pretty f*cked up.

October 29, 2007

Wow, what a freak!

October 29, 2007

that’s insane! what a freak. xo

October 29, 2007

WHO DOES THAT!? I can’t believe he even used the ‘friend’s died’ and the cops are looking for YOU line! What is the people at your work thought that you were some murderer!! What a f*cking wanker!!!!

October 29, 2007

WAT THE FCUK!!!! how do peoples sick minds come up with shit like that. telling a friend is dead to get a number is terrible. if he keeps coming to see you at work get the police involved. how dare he do such a thing. thats stalking and secondly its just plain WRONG!!!

October 29, 2007

:S thats f*cked up. gah. i hate f*ckers

October 29, 2007

ew this made me shudder if he can lie about someone dying and the cops are looking for you, then hes capable of anything and if you faulter and give him your number, i’m going to kick you.

October 29, 2007

omg! he really is a piece of work! makes me wonder if any of his stories were true or just made up bullshit! (((HUGS))) i hope he buggers off and lets you alone to live your life with people OUR age! miss you babe!!!

November 6, 2007

oh WTF. i’m ticked!!! aarrrggGGHHH!!