I had a dream about Kevin last night…I woke up angry.  Go figure.  I really hate that I feel so much happier these days than I did while I was with him, and yet he still invades my sub/unconscious.  We ended in such a weird and open ended way I think it still nags at me…like I expect to hear from him at some point, I don’t know when or how, but I just know I will.  It’s not that I’m waiting for it, I’m really not…I just feel unfinished.  No closure.  I don’t need closure to move on–I have moved on and I feel great.  But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about him sometimes.  Most of the time its in the hindsight is 20/20 ‘i cant believe when he did that to me and i cant believe i stayed with him for so long’ kind of way.  But sometimes I remember him fondly and miss him…the good things.  I wonder how he’s doing and what he’s doing and if he’s happy.  It’s all innocent and normal enough, I suppose.  I just hate it. 🙂

I think the thing with Jeremy is fizzling out…no big deal.  I figured it would happen.  It doesn’t seem like men my age really care to make an effort these days…and really, without an effort from him, I don’t want it.  We still talk, but I notice a difference…I think the novelty has worn off for him and he’s at the "shit, this chick could be a lot of work that I’m not sure I want to put in" point.  The men in this city/area suck.  Men here can get what they want from women instantaneously and with plenty of others waiting in the wings…everyone’s looking for the next best thing.

I’ve got a busy weekend ahead–Jenny’s visiting, yay!  Class is ending, so I’ve got to run…will write soon.


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October 20, 2011

Hind sight really is 20/20 and it’s really annoying. But remembering the good times sometimes helps you realise that you weren’t a complete dumb ass for hanging around for so long. A lot of guys just don’t try anymore, probably because of so many girls throwing everything at them for free…

October 22, 2011

I was in a relationship once that sounds exactly like the one you describe having with Kevin. I used to dream about him and wake up angry at my subconscious too, haha. I have been out of that relationship for a little over two years now. I still dream of him occasionally, but not often. How long have you been out of your relationship, if you don’t mind me asking?

November 5, 2011

I think that you will always wonder about people, possibly forever – I still have dreams about guys from high school, no lie. In some ways, I think it gets worse as time goes on because you start to forget the bad things and only the good ones… ~