The One On October 1st

 If ever there was a day to kick a kitten, it would be today. I am in such a bad mood and it all is because of people. Ignorant people. I might have to bypass facebook for a while because it is just a little to political right now. So many people who are ignorant about what is really going on making uninformed, ignorant comments. Then I had a person literally tell me that September is the 9th month of the year. Yes, you read that correctly. Not a great way to start my day.


My favorite thing going around facebook today is hypocrisy. I came close to commenting, but I decided that I am too old and too busy these days to start an online pissing contest. I just want life to be normal again. I am pretty sure there was a time when it was normal. I miss the days of just finding information on the internet. I hate the new social media. I partake, because you get information much quicker, but I still hate it. If it were to go away, I would be okay with that. I really would. I used to be able to spend hours on the internet looking for new things. Now we get pissed off if someone hasn’t updated in five minutes. Emails seem to be going away too. I used to have the best email conversations and now, all I get are bill ready notifications and penis enlargement adverts.


My desk is a disaster. I have a very specific way I like to do things. I like to make my list and work through it systematically and today that is not happening and it is making my brain hurt. I have piles on piles and I am not sure how I am going to get it all done. The shutdown is not really helping the stress levels around here either. While we are not a government agency, our contracts are with the government, mostly state (but they are not going to get their fed money either) and a couple (one quite large) with the federal bureau of prisons (we are essential services, but if they don’t have money in their bank, they can’t pay us, but we still have to provide the full range of services). Plus being in the fiscal department, yeah, we are on high alert.


Oh and me email is still fucked. We got an email saying they were going to fix it immediately, get everyone on the same service and eliminate the problematic source, yet they have done nothing towards getting that done. So…some of my emails go unanswered and others just never are received. Once they do figure out the problem, we are either going to lose all of our “old” emails or they are all going to come pouring in and it is going to be one wild clusterfuck.


I guess I am in a complaining mood today. I know better when I get in these moods than to make comments on certain things, but I didn’t listen to myself today. I didn’t even listen when it told me I was over limit on characters. I still made the comment. It was the stupidest thing I have ever seen and I am so sick of people shoving all these “new” products at people that they are the greatest things ever. It is a fucking alternative to binder clips. The way she talked about binder clips you would think that they were Hitler’s invention and were used to torture people.  Instead, you should spend $8 for a tool + more $ for the “clips”. What? Why would I spend twice as much on something that I need a tool to use? It’s fucking binder clips. They hold paper together. Seriously? And this is the FOURTH time I have seen someone “review” this item. So I made a comment. I stand by it, I just wish I would have not been so spontaneous. I have learned my lesson several times, but I still do it. Let’s see if this time I get blocked for having an opposing opinion. That seems to be the way with these touchy feely women on YouTube.

One thing that happens all the time and has pushed me to the farthest limit I can go without being a bitch right back is this:


“You didn’t print all the checks.”

“Yes I did”

“Well this check and this check are not here”

“There is nothing out there for those vendors”

“They were on my reports”

“I don’t use your reports, I use the VTB” (Vendor Trial Balance – lists all the vendors that have pending balances to print checks).

“Well someone didn’t release my stuff”



Every single time it is someone else’s fault. Never is it her fault. It is always mine at the beginning and then either of two people’s. It is never hers. Even when she really fucks up, it is someone else’s fault. I hate people who don’t take responsibility.


I entered a voucher, for the wrong amount. I knew it, but I didn’t double check. Then I entered another voucher to correct the first one. I entered that one wrong too. I didn’t know it at the time, but I fucked up. On both vouchers, someone else releases them. They are supposed to review and release. They got released without being overly micro reviewed, it’s fine, I made the mistake (honestly I rarely make errors on my ap so my stuff isn’t overly scrutinized). I owned my mistake, twice and have corrected it. Really fixed it this time. I own it though. I don’t blame the person who reviewed and released it. I did it. I didn’t do it correctly. I am not a bad person because of it, I won’t lose my job, nobody thinks less of me. It is no big deal. Just admit you were wrong and move on. The best comment I ever got was, “If that is the worst thing you did today, you are doing great”. I had made some sort of mistake, but it isn’t like I caused the fall of Rome. Or the defunding of America. It was an oops. Like your dog peeing on the floor because you were to slow to get up. It happens, it’s not a big deal, get a hug and move on.


And possibly my most favorite thing today, people who call me and when I don’t answer they send me an email. You should always start with an email if you want me to respond. I very rarely answer the phone these days.


Happy October!

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October 1, 2013

Found you on the front page…Please don’t kick a kitten. I will give you my sister instead.You can even hit too if ya want.Lola Falana