The One That Might Post

 Do you know that moment in the day where you read something you know better than to read?  Yeah, that moment for me was about right now, an hour into my day. I knew after the first sentence to just walk away, but I didn’t and here I sit fuming at some ignorant asshole who thinks she knows everything.  I need to woo-sah that shit out.


So I have written three posts in as many days and every time I come to post, the editor does not fully open. Not all that frustrating because in the end it is probably better that I don’t share all of my innermost thoughts and opinions. But today looks like your lucky day. Unless this decides to time out before it fully uploads.


I am becoming more disillusioned than ever with social media. Or maybe just people. I am not 100% sure at this point. I am just finding that more and more things annoy me to the point of not even reading what they have to say. I can’t afford to raise my blood pressure every time I read some idiot’s post. I wonder if it is my age that is showing. I need to think before I “speak”.


A few weeks ago now I posted an opinion of sorts on a facebook group page and another facebook group page and holy shit did that ever explode. I am still getting notifications about comments on it. Granted it has taken a different turn but the message is still the same…”give someone a sliver of power and they will abuse it”. I love the hilarity that group moderators show when they wield this power by banning people and removing posts. What spurred my post was some comments on the offending group that “you are not allowed to PM other members”. I simply commented that the power had gone to their heads in dictating what you can and cannot do as a member of facebook. It escalated quickly. Clearly in all my years on the internet, I have not learned my lesson. This tends to happen when I am in a bad mood or have had a very bad day. Like Monday. Monday was a bad bad bad day. I took out some of my frustration on US Weekly when I proposed via email that they should just call their magazine Kardashian Daily since that is all they seem capable of posting about. Ah…the wonders of stress induced rage.


Work has been trying this week. It has been trying the last few weeks actually. Not necessarily with the work, but with the co-workers. I am trying to get past it and just deal with what comes and not go out of my way to please people who will never be pleased unless you bow down and kiss their asses and the person I am thinking of is the last ass I would ever kiss. Plus the mood of the accounting department has been a roller coaster because of our audit and the federal shutdown that partially affected us. So it has just been fun fun fun.


I thought there was a craft fair this weekend but it is not until next weekend. Which is good an d sucky. I sort of wanted to get away for the day this Saturday, but that is not to be. That is the bad, the good is that I get paid next week so I might have some money to purchase things if I so choose to. We will see.


I finished making all my Halloween cards. I have to package up a small package and get some cash for the nephews (one is getting pajamas but he is one so I don’t think he will care much). I need to find a little something for Mom and then I am set. I was going to bring candy bars with homemade wrappers to work, but I don’t know if there are enough people here I like to do all the work for them not to appreciate it. My stance could always change though.


I was a little confuzzled the other day. I found out that two YouTubers I watch were collaborating on a video and I had some emotions that I could not quite wrap my head around. I felt as though a line had been crossed. Two strangers, both of whom I happen to follow, making videos together…sigh. One YTer is okay, I like her creativity even if she does try to place blame on something else for her fucking up and the other is really annoying, but I can’t seem to turn it off. And now the worlds have collided and I am left in this state of unknown feelings. I guess I will judge after the videos go up.


Okay, well I am going to get back into my day. I am trying to track down credit card receipts, always a fun thing to do on a cold, dreary Thursday morning where I am pretty sure the a/c is on in my office and I am starving.

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