






So when all was said and done, we ended up with about .1" of ice, and in the neighborhood of 7 inches of snow.  It’s really drifing too, even though it was heavy wet snow.  I’d post pics, but it’s too dark outside to take good ones.  I’ll try to take a few before I leave for work tomorrow, but no promises.  I’d like to get some pics of this snowfall before the weekend, as we’re due a mix of precipitation, including rain and rain does a serious number on snow.  In any case, we’re getting cold tonight.  The forecast low is 3 degrees, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to end up below zero.  We have fresh snow and mostly clear skies tonight. Those two factors together tend to make our temps plummet at night.  I only brushed off (well, in this case shoveled is a better term) part of the deck, as it REALLY drifted on the deck.  Our deck has two levels to it. I brushed off almost all of the first level, then the one step we have, and then the brick path from that step to the yard (not very far at all, but Sammie tends to use it).  Then I did about a third of the bottom part.  Keep in mind that our deck is in the neighborhood of 500 sq ft.   So the dogs have two paths out into the yard right now.  If they don’t like that, they will simply go another way.  Sammie certainly doesn’t mind the snow.  She didn’t spend much time out there when we let her out tonight, mostly because it was pretty windy and she doesn’t like it when it’s this windy. 

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December 11, 2008

You should definitely post some pictures!! With the doggies.. 🙂 We didn’t get a lot of snow. Maybe about an inch. No ice. Although, on Wednesday, we had a lot of icy roads. Stay warm.. 🙂