That was not how I wanted to spend a Monday Night






Maxie had her surgical biopsy today.  I get an email from my mom about 12:30 or so saying that the vet didn’t find a mass of any kind, but rather found swollen lymph nodes. The vet took fluid samples from those.  My mom picked her up at 3:30 and the vet said she’d be fine and that she could eat as normal tonight.  Well, I get home at 5 and Maxie just didn’t look good.  At times, her eyes looked like they were getting ready to roll back in her head.  But we figured it was just a minor reaction to the anesthetic.  My mom fed her around 5:30, 5:45.  By 6 pm, she was making very loud noises like she was having issues breathing.  Not too much later, we took her to the emergency vet. 

In the end, she’s at the vet overnight and tomorrow morning they’re transferring her to the west side clinic where they’ll put her under (again) and do an endoscopy to figure out what it is. 

And now, I as I’m typing this up, the vet called.  Maxie hacked up a piece of food that had gotten stuck and is now barking to be let out like nothing’s wrong.  So my mom’s going to get her 🙂  So she’s fine!  🙂  What a night though! Emotions all over the place, and it doesn’t help that I’m PMS-ing  (which means for me, that I’m crying at the drop of a hat). But definitely NOT the way I wanted to spend a Monday night.  I’m glad though that my mom and I took her to the vet – even though we know now that it was a piece of her food, my mom and I mentioned on the way home we don’t think she’d have made it through the night here – we really felt we’d wake up tomorrow morning to find her gone.  But as it stands, she’s going to be okay 🙂


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March 24, 2009

Good to hear that it ended up not too serious and I hope that she continues to improve.

March 26, 2009

Man, what a night. Glad your dog is doing better, though.

March 28, 2009

I’m glad she’s okay..