FLU SUCKS! In ten years or more I have never gotten a flu shot and I never got the flu but when I was a kid and got the shot I would get all sorts of crap like pneumonia or strep throat so when I was allowed to decide if I should get one…I didn’t. Everything was fine though without my shot and then I got married and hubby got the flu back in December. Few weeks go by AND NOTHING…I was doing a little leprechaun jig around the house because yet again I didn’t need the shot! Then Monday, what I thought were bad allergies began to flare up. Tuesday the "bad allergies" turned into a fever with sweats and chills and body aches and yesterday I forced myself to work to leave an hour later due to nausea. Headed to the doctor where I paid over 100 dollars (have yet to get the bill for lab work) since I have zero health insurance until February first and then was tested and told that I was positive for the flu. Went and paid another outrageous amount for meds and today all symptoms have started. I can’t hold food down, I’m achy and weak, fever chills, and all sorts of other crap I can’t stand! Today we also found out that the community college that E goes to is a big piece of crap as well. He just so happened to have two strains of the flu in a row during finals week and after calling every day multiple times and trying to get a hold of his teachers and not getting a single response back…he was informed today that he failed 3 finals (1 he forced himself to take while he was sick) due to missing them and that since all grades are final he could not make them up THOUGH he has proof of emailing the professors and has 2 doctor excuses. Now the Air Force is looking very possible for him and yes again I’m not so sure how I feel about it. Well just writing this entry has worn me out….time to pass out again. 

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