I love you USA

It seems to me that America has got itself into a right old mess.  Are we seeing the end of an Empire? From over here it looks like it is tearing itself apart.

From my point of view, you have on one hand a man with a Narcissistic personality disorder in Trump and a man at the edge of Dementia in Biden.   And as it stands a President who threatens legal action if the votes don’t go his way.

I love the Americans make no mistake.  I lived over there for a year and my daughter was there for 3.  They were up in North West.  The folk we met and interacted with were wonderful.  So kind and caring.  I went back 4 times to the States. To Nevada, California, St Louis and New Orleans and each time loved every minute.  The majority of folk were very parochial and had no idea about what was going on else where on the planet.  People always thought Australia was Austria.   I used to joke about it.   I can remember saying to a guy I met in New Orleans, you really don’t understand what people think about you do you?

So wrapped up in the power of the US and not realizing that there was immense hatred out there and disappointment. Then 911 happened and think it was a watershed moment for so many.

And now I personally and sadly see a country that is totally fragmented, split down the middles with problems of race, gender, wealth and crippling poverty.

This is not the country that I longed to visit when I was a kid.  It was a magical land of fantasy.  That somehow, mostly through Hollywood, could make everyone’s dreams go true.

And here we are looking at a country on the brink of something unimaginable if they don’t get don’t get their act together.

I love you America but please for your sake go down the path of reconciliation and peace among yourselves. Otherwise I fear and so does most of the world for the outcome.


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November 4, 2020

Are you from Canada or elsewhere?  I have the same perspective as you do about what America has become.

The thing with Biden is that he will listen to all of his advisers and his wife as where trump doesn’t listen to anyone and his wife is just a Barbie doll looking pretty. I think the lesser of the two evils would be Biden.

November 4, 2020

@jaythesmartone  I am an Aussie.

November 4, 2020


Cool…I love your accent by the way…..

Hope you didn’t mind me asking to be your friend….I think you have a lot to say and I like how you say it….

November 4, 2020

we will be fine… usa has always been slightly divided

November 4, 2020

@kaliko  Kat I hope so. There is always a divide we have it here between the Liberal Party and Labour.


November 4, 2020

Everything is going to be okay…..🤗

November 5, 2020

We really need to get through this election and pray for change of leadership. I feel 4 more years with the current leadership will be horrible for the United states I grew up loving. It is more divided than it ever has been. We need peace to be placed upon us.

November 5, 2020

I am so sad and concerned for my country now, as I have been for the past four years.  There are many good and decent people, but Trump has created nationwide fear, division, anger and mistrust.  I am ashamed and embarrassed.  People around the world pity us now.  My hope is that Biden can begin to repair the damage.