Hello 1st work week in 2009

I can’t believe how FAST last year flew by. Seriously its been over a year since i have been broken up from paul and techincally single. Its CRAZY. I really have not grown as much as I would have liked to in the areas that i wanted, but i really want that this year, I am SO tired of just setting on what I am. I want to say , I have achieved who I am.

This weekend, I plan to head to cleveland again. I am going to see Rent on the 10th at the Cleveland Playhouse Square. Its been FOREVER since I have been there, any suggestions on what to wear? I am really looking forward to this. I can’t wait!!!

Work is work, I like it, but lately I have been really tired and for some reason I am having issues waking up in the morning meh! 

I went out this weekend with Jessica, David, John (Davids brother), Jason (Davids co-worker), and Brett (Davids Highschool friend , whom Jessica is trying to set me up with). I really tried to flirt with him, and talk with him. He is REALLY shy and the more drunk I got, the less patience I had with trying to talk to him. I really tried everything and he was just not really talking. 2 things come from this… 1. he isn’t into me that way and doesn’t want to show interest. or 2. he is simply just really really shy and not sure how to act around girls. Jessica said that is what it probably was, but then later that night he was talking a storm up to Jessica. I tell you. I am her best friend and for the most part I am pretty damn good at reading body language. He was SO into her. LOL. I told her later that he was probably talking about how much he wanted to date her back in the day.. I was right :-P.  Meh, either way it was good times. I got my flirt on with this dude named Matt. He was REALLy cute. Cuddly like, but I only got to talk to him for a short time, never got or gave numbers 🙁 

Well break for now. More to write, but gotta go work.

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