We’re Almost There

Leading up to the January 20 date, I was expecting something more. Because Trump went out and Biden, in, without much ado, emotionally I’ll always remember that day as being supremely one of the lowest in my life.

I’m not a politically oriented individual, I’m pro life, love, and liberty. Pro human, animal, planet. I care not one bit for titles such as Democrat or Republican. What’s important to me is the goodness and courage in ones head, heart and spirit. I find that being a straight ticket voter, is foolish, unless that party to which you are supporting is for life, liberty and justice for all. Not to say that you can’t be affiliated polirically, to be a good soul, or, to be a good soul you can’t be politically affiliated, because that would be ridiculous. Personally though, speaking only for myself in the world, Politics as is obvious in the world today has been used againts it’s own people, by nafarious individuals, therefore, party politics has become a detriment to God, country, and mankind. This is not a judgment on mankind, rather, a reason for my choices.

But I digress.

Jan. 20, 2020, has come and gone, and by all appearences, it’s buisiness as usual for the body politic. The very idea of that is enough to cause last nights meal to come back up. The very people who are evil, are now back in the drivers seat, and even worse, they will be back at their evil ways with new resolve.

At this point I have to make a choice, to stand firm and renewed, or give up and give in.

I imagine that most the world is at that place. As, I believe the whole world was watching and hoping that in a huge way, that this one time Good would prevail over evil. What a complete let down when by all appearences evil has seemingly prevailed once again.


Pick yourselves up now, and remain steadfast and complete in your prayers and your courage. If ever there was a time to strengthen your resolve, NOW is that time. NOW is when you are needed most, for, now is when our creator is moving upon the face of this earth. For as much as evil energy oppresses mankind and God, so should the force of our prayers and the courage and love of our creator be 10 fold, 10 times as much and more.

I tell you now that evil will not reign supreme. All that is right and Good within you, shall reign supreme, no matter what it seems to be in the world now. So pick your courage and love up out of the gutter and stand steadfast and true. Use this time, while evil believes it has regained dominion over the world, to strengthen and renew your connect with your creator.

Many of us know our positioning in the world, we know what we must do, even if at times we falter in our hearts. No one can blame us for such. Even so, now is precisely the time to give our creator 150%. If you don’t believe me, then ask your creator if now is the right time to give up. Get over yourself, stand up, dust your bruised hearts off, roll up your sleeves and pick up the pace…because my beautiful brothers and sisters, it ain’t over yet.

Anything that is worth living, fighting and dieing for, always comes with a price, always is difficult. The stage of God’s creation we’re in right now is the most difficult of all, because it seems like evil has prevailed. DO NOT GIVE UP. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE FOOLED. The stakes have NEVER been higher, brothers and sisters.

Now more then ever in all your whole life, is your mission never been more clear and defined. You will bare this burden. You will take a deep breath and steel your heart in love and prayer. I am with you, as are many. We are united in our live and light.

I love you!



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January 21, 2021

Nice clean to the point entry!


Thank you so much!