

I took the kids trick-or-treating. You know only crazy people are out in weather like we had Halloween night. It was so cold!

We got an early start because I thought that if I get them done early that I would be able to go out for a bit. I didn’t want to go trick-or-treating. I wanted to just go out.

Their area of choice was not a good area to trick-or-treat in. It was a good neighborhood but very few people were home. So we drove until we found a block with a lot of lights on. Then I decided to try the circles on the edge of town. Those are small areas they can hit all five or six houses in the circle then jump in the car to warm up.

We were on the third circle when a car pulled up behind me. The kids got out of that car and I was thinking that looks like L when Tyler said the same thing aloud. Then Alexa hollers “that’s L’s horns!” The car that pulled up behind me was Goat Woman! Her daughter L told her “that’s Lucy’s car.” GW told her “don’t be so silly. That is not Lucy’s car.” It was my car! I got out and talked to her for a minute. It was too cold to stand outside. The kids finished that area and she got back in her car.

When they say “the more the merrier” that stands true with children too.

Tyler went with GW’s son and her 10-year-old brother. Her daughter went with my daughters. She followed the boys, who were so far ahead of the girls that I lost sight of them in a hurry, in her car. I followed the girls, who were held back by Pokey Joe ~ aka Nadine, in my car.

They were going to the Haunted House because GW and her brother wanted to go through it. I am not one for Haunted Houses but my kids wanted to go. I sat in the Commons Area with GW’s kids and she took my kids through the haunted house.

They finally got to go after waiting for 90 minutes. We arrived and registered our group at 9 and it was 10:30 when they got to go in. Around 10 I gave up the idea of going out which was a good thing because it was after midnight when we got home.

L stayed the night with the girls. Tyler stayed the night with the boys. It was fun for everyone.

While trick-or-treating I have the kids dump their loot bags into a grocery sack so they don’t have to carry so much around with them. I think this stems from a childhood scar. I was probably 8 or 9 and some big kids came up behind me and stole my bag of goodies from me. I had nothing and all my brothers and sisters still had all their loot. I do not remember if Mom made them share with me but I don’t think that she did. Knowing her I probably got in trouble. Not only did they make off with all my loot they also made off with the pillowcase that I was using.

Once we got home the girls dumped the big bag on the living room floor and divided all the candy by brand. We checked for open or damaged packages. Then I divided it into three piles.

I love Halloween but there is not kid on this earth that needs five pounds of candy. To make this a better holiday ~ it would be fun if the kids could just go around showing off their scary faces and not have to be rewarded for it.

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I don’t have time to read right this minute but I wanted to tell you…Not much of anything embarrasses me. I have seen it all, heard it all and almost done it all. I think. LOL!!! I love your sense of humor. Give me your best shot…I assure you that I can take it. 😉

November 4, 2003

We have a haunted house in town also, but didn’t go this year because last year we had a 2 hour wait. Glad you had fun!!

November 11, 2003

I was pretty sneaky this year. When VL’s kids came home with about 10 pounds of candy, they each got a little bag for themselves, and the rest went into a container for everyone. Last year, we had candy till we finally threw out the bag sometime around July. I took about half of the candy left to a Halloween party on Nov 1st, and left it with the hostess! Now I’m wishing I had kept more choc!