Saturday Afternoon ~ Races

Saturday was a good day. Since Dick spent the night at L’s because he was drinking he did not come home until around three in the afternoon. When he did get home he hibernated in the bedroom.

Good place for him because I had no intentions of talking to him anyway. If he would have said one word to me I would have chewed off his head and spit in his neck. I am still so angry with him.

He chooses to drink instead of doing things with the kids and me.

He went to the funeral at 2:30 in the afternoon but that gave him plenty of time to visit with the rest of his family and still spend time with us. He does not see things that way. He gets around his family and that is that. They are all raging alcoholics from way back.

Okay that was not Saturday that was Friday! I guess I did not get it all out!

After trick-or-treating (It is after midnight so it is Saturday!)

Alexa had L spend the night, no not the same L that Dick stayed with. After I fed them when we got home Alexa and L went to her room. Alexa was out like a light so L went into Nadine’s room and they were using the camera and making videos of them eating sour candy ~ Warheads. I am not sure how late they stayed up I crashed! I was so tired.

We all got up and Tyler remembered that he never got to carve his pumpkin. I was hoping that he would forget since it was in the garage and I was sure that it was frozen. So I told him to bring it in to thaw and that I would let him carve it. (Knowing full well that I would be the one to carve it. I would not trust him to handle a knife of any kind.) So I poked the pattern onto the pumpkin and told him that I would do the small parts. All he wanted to do was the mouth so I agreed to that. (Still knowing full well that I would be the one to carve it. I would not trust him to handle a knife of any kind.) When I finished including the mouth he said “I thought that I could do the mouth.” I forgot! But he was excited about his now jack-o-lantern that it did not matter whom had carved it. It was still his jack-o-lantern. We put a candle in it and even had it lit up for a bit.

The whole time I was preparing the pumpkin and carving it the kids had the babies out. Have you ever heard of Kitty Races? That is what they were doing ~ racing baby kitties! I guess that would make those lazy little ones a bit more active.

It had been snowing for most of the day and it was now time for me to get ready for work. I left home early enough to allow for lower visibility but I was not prepared for the ice! I thought that I was going to have a heart attack! I pulled off the gravel road onto the highway. Slippin’ and a slidin’! NOT FUN!

I was not the only one driving at a snails’ pace. It was so bad ~ had I not been so short staffed I would not have gone in. But that would mean that GW would not be able to make it in either. I don’t think that BM wanted to run the show alone especially on a Saturday night.

I may be in trouble because I would not open the second table. I was swamped in the pull-tabs. It was almost midnight. I have all sorts of reasons but I don’t think any of them are good enough when it comes to not opening a table for Big’s Son. I did not open the table for him, he did get to play, and he did not have to wait for very long before he got a spot on the table. I thought that it all worked out very well until my Supe called me this morning and started asking questions. I hope that I remember the whole conversation because I was sleeping when he called. I can hold a conversation while sleeping and not even know it! Scary!

Maybe I am in more trouble than I think that I am. With Quarterly Meetings coming up next week I should really be watching my P’s and Q’s!

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November 4, 2003

{{{hugs}}} i’m sorry you have to go through this crap with Dick. I do hear you loud and clear about not wanting to do things with you and the kids. Got the same problem here. At least D is not a drinker, but i get tired of him coming home 2 and 3 hours after he has already been off work. He always i’m not happy or complaining about things…well i would be happy and not bitch if he

November 4, 2003

wanted to do things with me. I told him the other night that i was alot of fun ~ just ask my friends! I also told him he forgot who he married. Sorry…i’ve gone off on a bit a tangent! Just saying i understand how you feel. love and miss you much!!