Some time after July Fourth ~ 2010

I always say that I am going to be better about writing. It is all in the habit. When I first started with OD I had to start and end my day with it. Now I am lucky to look at it once a week. I must have gotten a new habit. I know Facebook is a lot like that now. Maybe it is because it is so simple to see what everyone is up to and not take up so much time. I find myself wishing there was more to it. OD needs to become a habit again.

Alexa did indeed move out of the house and into an apartment with her best friend since grade 4. I think that they are getting along okay. She did say that Lindsey is hard to live with because she does not pick up after herself. I told her it is just like living with her sister again yet she had a year break.

The girl’s bedroom is still half full of their stuff. I should shove it all in the walk in closet…no that is not a good idea. Dick is going to move back into the master bedroom. I wanted to but if I did he could move into the room that I am in but I do not want to paint it. Maybe I do want to paint it. Do I want to paint that room again. I would not take me very long to do it. Gosh, I feel like Nadine…trying to make a decision. It is a good thing that my life is not depending on painting or not painting a room in my house.

I had Tatum the other night. I even had him the Saturday night before that….or was it Friday? We usually will get him when there is NO ONE ELSE! That does make me angry. I took him with me to MN for the graduation because Nadine had to work. I thought it was only the one day that she wouldn’t be there but it was three, which is no big deal. He was fine, except to go to sleep but no one else was going to sleep either. It is hard to get him to sleep with a ton of people around. NORMAL. Then I only got to see him one time in about three weeks. B wanted us to keep him on the 4th of July so that he could go to a demolition derby. We took him to the demolition derby last year. This year he would have loved it!! I think B could have taken his son with him! I took my kids everywhere! Very rarely if I wasn’t working did I have a sitter.

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