Witter Witch

This is from Tuesday night.

Work was going just fine tonight. Everyone was having a fun time ~ especially those playing at my table. I have been so cold lately and I have been dishing out money left and right. I found out tonight just how much we are not winning. The average hold is 17%-20%. My site is holding 7% right now and I am sure after tonight that percentage will drop. Go me!

Did you notice that I said work was going just fine? Yeah that was up until a very bitter person came in. I don’t know how a woman so sweet could have a daughter so bitter. Deann K had two of my dealers fit to be tied in less than 30 minutes. I knew that when she walked in the door that there was going to be trouble. There always is!! Always is not an understatement. She sticks her nose where it does not belong. Tries to tell my employees how to do their jobs. Gets upset over stupid stuff. She went as far as to tell GW to shut up. And she called RW a dumb shit because he verified her check through me. When she got back to the table after cashing that check I told her that everyone has to verify a check of that amount with me no matter who it is. I should have booted her when she got snotty with me. “Oh is that the way it goes?” Yeah that is the way it goes! (I refrained from calling her a dumb shit.) I kept my composer when I really wanted to reach across the table and shake her by her neck. I don’t let her know when she gets on my nerve because that only makes it worse.

I finished my 30-minute shift on a different table but pulled GW at the end of the shoe that she was dealing. I could tell by the look on her face and her actions that things were not going well but I did not know the extent of the problem. Had I known the extent of her rudeness I would have refused to deal to her.

Deann expects me to take her side all the time when she knows as well as I do that she is at fault all the time! She starts it ~ she either has all the players or the dealers in a tizzy! Because she is such a bitter bitch. You can not hold a conversation with her because she is too busy whining about how much money she has already lost. Well, it does not take long when you play $25 a hand on two spots. When the cards are bad you buck down and lower your bet. Common sense would tell anyone that ~ especially a blackjack dealer. Yes she is a site manager for a different organization. She used to try to tell me how to do my job too. I finally told her that I have been doing my job long enough to know how to do it. Just because she has done it longer does not mean that I don’t know how to do my job.

Maybe she is not happy unless someone is being rude to her.

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November 20, 2003

She was always a “know it all bitch” way back when. She always made me feel like a bug that she wanted to squash at any minute. *ryn* i hear ya loud and clear on DK staying home. he would never come here anyway cus he knows Dave and I don’t approve of the way he treats D.

November 20, 2003

I agree, she was such a bitch when I knew her too. and her Mom was SO nice! Couldn’t you just tell her you don’t want her back? I know that would be a scene at the time, but a lot less scenes down the road.