
My niece Robin put this thing on FB, that said June 14th (Trump’s bday) the whole world should bomb his Orangeness’s social media with pix of Obama. I love this idea but Twitter is a f*cking piece of shite. Every time I register, they deny me access. SHITE, I TELL YOU.

I hope people do it. Teach the f*cker a lesson. #blackandwhitelivesmatter



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June 6, 2020

@justamillennial Exactly!! 😀

Why are you denied?

June 6, 2020

@seablue4u I tend to post incendiary stuff. Like to my premier I told him to f*ck off. LOL!

@littleavocado Well heck if they can not let you on can they kick a certain Orange thing OFF?

June 7, 2020

@seablue4u Exactly!!!!

June 5, 2020

Why did you get denied?

June 6, 2020

@kaliko Read my reply to @seablue4u