Today the rains will come…

100% chance too. Thunderstorms too.. which are my favorite. Ever.

More sims stuff…

I had no idea that Georgia had never been kissed. This is her first! Aww…

Since you can’t get married in college… I had her propose to Joe. I am going to have her take his surname. I think she wants to rid herself of the bad memories… or not. LOL What do you think? Should it be Joe Newson or Georgia Kauker?


Floppy hair be gone.


Shaggy is in…


Since I am concentrating on Georgy’s business degree… I guess Joe’s cooking career will take back seat.

More later…



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May 15, 2020

Joe’s haircut is an improvement

May 15, 2020

@heffay I have to agree. 😀

May 15, 2020

I think she should take the cute guys name…sounds better.

May 15, 2020

@jaythesmartone Kauker? OK. Will do.

May 15, 2020

what’s up with all the girls popping the question? I think it is far more romantic when a man does it

May 15, 2020

@kaliko Just to get the desired surname, say the girl’s surname was Smith and the guys was Nedermeyer… or whatever.. and you wanted Smith, you would select the girl and marry the guy. Plus pro-activeness. Gurl power.

May 15, 2020

@littleavocado ahhh! I really do not play games like that so I did not know.  I don’t have a lot of play time to do it. my house and husband take a lot of my time lol

May 15, 2020

@kaliko Ah. I am single and have a lot of time on my hands… pathetic a bit but…

May 16, 2020

Sims are fun.

May 16, 2020

@elcreature And a welcome distraction non?

May 26, 2020

I agree with @heffay.

I had no idea you couldn’t get married in college on the Sims. You can in real life.

May 27, 2020

@justamillennial Oh yeah. I know, it sucks, if they are a family sim, you have to drop out.. oh but you can have kids in uni though.