Well… that is *NOT* going to happen!

Trump wants everyone to inject ourselves with Lysol/hand sanitizer? Where is he from?? Uranus?! He has to be! What sane person would do that???? Hey Tang-head! Inject yourself you s.o.b!

Thank God Justin has a sane head on his shoulders. He would never tell us that. o_O

I just attended my first live YT session with Juno Birch. She made a chocolate factory and it went to all hell bc the Joy Desprets ruined it. She is obsessed with destroying all the world’s Joy Desprets. ❤

Bees’s brother Tom has the worst potty mouth. Worse than mine I think. Not as bad as Tosser Bitch C. McGee though.




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April 24, 2020

I am hoping Trump will take his own advice but then he will just say it’s only for those who have had the virus or maybe not?

April 24, 2020

@jaythesmartone Lets hope he does.

April 24, 2020

he is a lunatic! we need to vote him out November!


April 24, 2020

@kaliko He is! 😮

April 24, 2020

Anyone named Tosser Bitch C. McGee is probably going to have a potty mouth. It comes with the name, right? That’s why every day I am glad my parents didn’t call me Fuck Face. I don’t like Jeff either, but it’s so much better than Fuck Face.

April 24, 2020

@heffay LOLOLOLOL yes….. tosser is Brit slang for idiot.

It’s scary now we have to do news stories on NOT to follow Trump’s advice because people would inject themselves…

April 24, 2020

@seablue4u Ikr???

May 12, 2020

Injecting yourself with lysol/bleach to prevent the coronavirus is definitely a ridiculous idea.

May 26, 2020

@justamillennial Trump IS dumb as a post.