i should be sleeping.survey about sleep instead

Do you snore while you’re sleeping?
jordan says I do but all my friends say I don’t. I believe my friends.

How many pillows do you use?
i used to not be able to sleep without two but over the last year it’s developed into just one. i still get two in the right place then realise my head is too high and have to get rid of one. it’s just not right without two…

How do you sleep? Side? Back? Stomach?
on my side with duvet between my legs and cuddling some duvet

How comfortable is your mattress?
i love my mattress in cambs. jords is hard but somehow that seems right at his. mattress at home is…*shrugs* ok i guess. i’m not used to being in my bed here yet so it’s uncomfy at the mo

How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?
ages unless i’m shattered

Do you fall asleep in front of the TV?
only really when i wake up in the morning and turn the tv on then doze back off to sleep

How many times (if any) do you wake up in the middle of the night?
quite a few times unless i’m shattered. then i can sleep right through (which i’ve done 2 nights running now)

What kind of bed do you have?
a single wooden bed here (which i LOVE because it matches all my furniture and i’ve had it ages and is still like new). a boring double in cambs. the double at Jords is kinda pretty with it’s metal+woodenness

Have you ever fallen off the bed while you were sleeping?
i would imagine so knowing me…although when i was younger i didn’t move and hardly breathed when i was sleeping so if i have it would be recently

How close is the alarm clock to your bed?
i use my phone and it’s normally either under my pillow, on the floor next to my bed (if in cambs) or on the chair next to my bed (if in lynn)

How many times do you hit the snooze button when your alarm goes off?
i set 3 alarms and snooze the last alarm once

What’s the first thing you think of when you open your eyes?
‘i don’t wanna wake up’ i mean…’aw, jordan’s so lovely’

Have you ever had the infamous ‘falling’ dream?
yeah but not lately

Have you ever had a nightmare so bad it woke you up and you couldn’t get back to sleep?
yeah loads. i go through stages of having nightmares. i had one last night (or was it the night before) where this plant had wrapped around my ankle and was pulling me down into a well and i knew (but couldn’t see) that down the well a brown…thing…monster?..scary persony thing…was waiting to rip my insides out to use for something but i can’t remember what. i was holding onto a fence but was losing my grip and sliding across the floor on my stomach. that kinds creeped me out and i took a while to get back to sleep.

Do you need any medication to help you get to sleep?
not right now although i wouldnt turn any down 😛

Do you count sheep? (hey, some people do it)
no but i wish i did coz that would be SO cool

Do you like your mattress soft or hard?
i thought soft until i became to love Jordan’s

Do you roll around a lot in bed or do you normally sleep in one spot the whole time?
i used to stay EXACTLY in the same place. and still do sometimes (as in when it’s noticeable…when i fall asleep with soemthing in my hand or when i have been having trouble going to sleep so i know how i was laying when i last tried) but i dunno…i’ll ask jord coz i’m curious about whether i still do that and whether you can see me breathing now. i think i’ve grown out of that

Ever listen to music to fall asleep?
i used to EVERY night but haven’t for a while.

What’s the wierdest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
under the coffee table. with the wood that joins the legs under my back. i used to watch TV from there (as in a few years ago…not when i was a kid haha)

What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleep?
it normally gets close to 48 hours when i’ve got assignments in

Have you ever fallen asleep in school or at work?
i have at school but i meant to…i decided to have a doze at 6th form coz i’d been clubbing the night before and had a free period so i don;t think that counts

How about in the car?
yeah i sleep in cars pretty easily

Is this survey putting you to sleep?
no i like talking about sleep…it’s one of my favourite pasttimes

Do you still take naps?
only after a night getting drunk

At what times?
it’s normally in between 3 and 6 pm

Do you wish you could go back to having naps at work/school like you did in preschool?
nah coz i never get back into things after a nap. i just stay half asleep and don’t want to do anything.

Are you going to sleep now that this survey’s over?
yep coz it’s almost midnght and i have to get the 8.26am train!

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Thanks for the note and the link. I have been reading up on the site and will try to implement the techniques they describe.

Thanks for the note and the link. I have been reading up on the site and will try to implement the techniques they describe.