G is being a quacking turdburgler!

G was/is in a sour mood today, she threw f-bombs at me like WW3. Stupid quack! She really knows how to push my buttons. I will not hesitate to attack her if she isn’t careful.

I got all of my games (well, the majority anyways) I might look for more today. 🙂 I have been playing AC:NL like nonstop. I love Animal Crossing. That game is whimsical and calming.

Right now I’m listening to Blue Oyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear the Reaper”. It is such a great song. 

To get my mind off G, I will sim I guess…. after I finish with a meeting with some dude…. idk.

I am also going to hit the loo, after this. 

Aha. The q of the day: November 20th (Babycakes birthday!) Did you get grounded often as a child?

I was almost permanantly grounded. I was a bad kid. 😛

Anyways… tootles!



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