hello good morning

i am on a music/i love my laptop kick.

i got a laptop for my graduation…which was yesterday.

and i have a cd burner, so i am finally downloading all the songs i have always wanted to download.

i am burning cd’s i have borrowed so i can return them, and just lots of other fun things.

andy came over today and we watched a movie. well i watched it…he claims he slept throught it.

ahg my allergies are psycho.

and i am an official alchoholic.

this mornign i woke up with the worlds worst liver cramp…

which is strange because i didn;t have very much to drink.

my menu for the night was two jello shots. one with nasty rum and the other with schmirnoff…which is my usual so it wasnt anything strange. then a mixed drink with two shots of schmirnoff. which i only drank half of…mal drank the rest. i had one sky blue…and i bonged one coors.

so i had the equivalent of about 2 shots and less than 2 beers….my liver should not ache after that. especially when i had like 5 shots the night before with no chaser and did fine…

so it has to be alchoholism…to many toxins in my liver.

ahg…my nose really itches…

and i have to do some laundry…and at 11 i want to watch a movie.

Log in to write a note

Ooooo… laptop. Neat.

June 7, 2004

Hoping Mt. Pleasant isn’t missing me… I seriously want to go back to school..I wish it was August

My boyfriend is a recovered alcoholic…except that’s just his friends say. He of course, denies it adamantly. : )