DePhoMo # 9

Okay, so, the prompt is Emotions. 

I’ve decided that I’m not going with the prompt, unless "Too fucking cold" is an emotion.

So I’m bringing you pretty pictures from work. ^.^ 


These are from two days ago when it was like… 20 degrees out.

 I’ll have to take a recent picture this morning.  9 fraggin degrees! Nine! Single Digits! ::dies::


1d29889b5f8a.jpg untitled picture by zarlune8d6cd924b744.jpg untitled picture by zarlune

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December 9, 2009

I LOVE your photos that is GREAT and I got cold looking at the photos BRRRR… RYN: LOL, nope the entry wasn’t for you ;)… I will try to keep the snow here but I can’t PROMISE anything though 🙁 sorry…