Mele Kalikimaka

Merry Christmas everyone! 

I hope it was / is a good one for you all. 

It’s been a pretty good one here. 

Scott’s giftbox came in yesterday, so I opened my presents early.  I love that guy, he’s come up with some of the most epic presents.

I gots my binary watch, and he got me the blue one ::googly eyes:: It’s epic.  And it’s probably the only watch that mom won’t want to try to steal from me.  She swears she can’t read binary, but I know better, she’ll be able to get the hang of it in no time.  I also got Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition, which has all 5 expansions, a really ugly but yet cute pen (will have to take pictures so you understand), two pairs of earphones (I mentioned how I hate having to drag them back and forth from work to home), a memo pad, post-it notes, some chocolate and cookies from him.  It was a good package.  Mom got a cow, we named him Melvin.

Momma bought me bunny slippers and a dragon, which is sitting on my desk upstairs cuz it can’t fit on my shelf.  It’s really pretty, i have a picture of it that i’ll upload later.  Aunt Louise got me a hat, scarf, and gloves set that’s really pretty.

Yong from work loved the cat desktopper that I gave him, and bought me a box of chocolates.  Gloria gave me hot cocoa in a cute little snowman jar, and Miss Kari got me a pretty smelling candle. 

So I got a lot of really nifty things. ::grins:: I’m really happy and I can’t wait for Scott to get my box… so i can hear him open everything.  I’m really happy.

We’re not going to do anything tonight really, I don’t think.  Probably just play Fallout 3 and goof off while Momma rests and goofs off on her laptop.  ::shrug::

We are planning a New Years Eve get together… just the sibs, Bob, Matt, and Kevin.  I might want to see about getting a second guitar for Guitar Hero and have us all jam and drink and whatnot.  I don’t know, we’ll figureo ut something.  But it’s nice having people who you like enough to have over for things like that.

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December 25, 2009

Thanks for your note; I hope so too 🙂

December 25, 2009

yeah, it seems like a rare birthday. i knew a guy in high school with the same birthday, but that’s the only one i’ve ever known!

December 28, 2009

I love bunny slippers I have a pair of eeyore slippers… can’t beat hat gloves and scarfs, I can’t have enough of them… Hope Scott enjoyed his box… Nothing beats jamming out and drinking… that is our new years day party we are starting the 84 song set list on Rock Band to see if we can beat it… LOL, this should be fun