Second verse same as first…..

Went to court yesterday, we got a 4 month continuance on account that the state wanted J further along in his classes, so we are doing the same as we have previously for another four months.  This isn’t a bad thing per say, it is just frustrating a bit as I was ready for things to be done and over with.


Saturday, we went to a birthday party for our friends daughter, a good friend of the kiddos.  It was nice, i am glad i made myself go as we were the only friends that showed up.  I love that child.

I am irratated that none of my support tickets here have been answered and i still dont know if I am going to lose my diary come the end of Aug even though I already paid for the membership.  I refuse to pay again.  It makes me reticient to continue to type and invest if I am going to lose it all, again. so that is all.  I hopefully will be able to come in here and update later this afternoon, I have a big project at work I need to work on and find my self motivation for!

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July 25, 2023

ooof how frustrating!  I hope they’re able to answer your questions and get your account working correctly, sorry for your troubles.  <3