Have been on this journey since the day I was born. These are the tales of my dreams, wishes, successes, and failures. My story of love, heartbreak, death, and trying to be a good human. I am a proud mom, a wife, a lover of animals, and an advocate for the underdog. Sarcasm is my first language, and I like the F word, I use it as sentence enhancing confetti.

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June 25, 2024
So, we move or are suppose to move on Monday.  Joe is currently at the hospital for alcohol withraw and pancreatitis.  Still sitting in the waiting room of the ER as of right now, waiting for a room.  I have so much to do, and don't even know how I am going to do it.…
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Recent Entries

  • I aint go no….. motivation
    June 19, 2024
    Ugh, I really really should get to packing these days, but I am dragging ass.  nothing like making it down to the wire to start doing what I should have been doing weeks ago!   I am so tired when I get home from work, that I have no energy.  I have to go get…
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  • Changes
    June 10, 2024
    So much has been going on lately.  The kiddos graduated from fifth grade this weekend, super sad but proud.  One of their grandmas came up from Florida, and we spent Saturday going to Lego lands, the Aquarium and Rain Forest Cafe, and then Sunday more swimming at the hotel.  Grandma left Sunday, ...
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  • First Full Week
    February 12, 2024
    This week should be my first full week at work since the past three weeks i have had to leave or miss days.   Joe had his surgery on Friday, it was a lot worse of a break than we anticipated, He had a lot of hairline factures, part of the bone pulverized and was…
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  • Hello again old friend
    February 1, 2024
    I haven't looked to see when the last time I wrote was.  This time hopefully is different, I am on a laptop ( personal) one that I finally bought when I thought we were *finally* getting ahead. But low and behold, Murhpy's Law has always proven to kick my butt, I am just going to…
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  • Weekends end with Mondays
    December 4, 2023
    This weekend was quiet, but at least it was calm.  J had to work on Saturday's mandatory overtime and Sat hours ( which we def can use but I know it makes for one tired husband) . It was rainy and wet all weekend so he didn't get to fix my car, so instead he…
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  • quick recap
    December 1, 2023
    November was busy.  Boy child's birthday, court, thanksgiving, work, and all the things between.   Life is ok. In a holding pattern and trying to get things done.   Finally went to the primary care doctor, now have a whole slew of meds to try . Make my annual gyno appt for two weeks, NO...
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  • I’m back
    November 17, 2023
    So they never got back to me in regards to my membership, I waited forever it seems.  Today I broke down and just repaid the subscription.  I've missed it and Catching up my my favs.   Life is plugging along.  Waiting to hear from husband about the conference with the attorney.  SHould be in...
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  • Recap of the Weekend
    August 7, 2023
    This weekend was decent.  Saturday, we went over to J's coworker who he is building a friendship with.  I made my holiday mac and cheese and some cornbread casserole, they got friend chicken we ate dinner and then got ready for the fight.  The main event didn't even come on until midnight which i...
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  • Mondays
    July 31, 2023
    I am feeling my age.  I made a reference to "manic Monday" to a pretty young co worker today ( shes probably 25 or under) and she was like " I need to remember that phrase" and I giggled and told her it was a Bangles song.  Oh vey!   This weekend was much too…
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