Catching up

Hello again! It’s been a little bit since I’ve written. I still read all of my friends everyday, just never seem to have enough time nor motivation to write. 

So where to start? I have pretty much finished all of my shopping for Christmas and for the birthdays surrounding the holidays. Now I just have to find the motivation to wrap them all. I just found out yesterday that my daughter and son are leaving the 18th to go to Tennessee and aren’t coming back until after Christmas. I was a little bummed but I’ll probably just be at Marty’s on Christmas anyway. I also have to get together with my parents,  brothers and their children to exchange gifts at some point. 

Seems lately I have an appointment everyday for something or other. This morning I am waiting on the gas people because apparently I am due for a meter reading and gas line check. I hate when they give you a 4 hour time frame in which they will arrive. I have to sit and wait for them, can’t go anywhere. Yesterday I had an appointment to apply for Heap. I go there for the appointment and they tell me that they’re not doing in person interviews now. They give me an application to fill out to apply and send me back home telling me to fill it out at home and bring it back. I can’t get back there till probably Friday now. I took the day off yesterday to get that done. Tomorrow Marty asked me to take his son Kevin to an appointment to be tested for autism. It takes 2-3 hours she says plus the time driving to pick up Kevin and bring him back then have to start work right when I get back with him. It’s going to be a long day! I’m not looking forward to it at all! At least I’m getting paid for it all. 

Lilly has been treating me like we’re still best of friends lately. She’s even suggested we go away on an overnight trip somewhere again. I was quite surprised seeing as she still had me blocked on her phone. I still can’t call or text her. It’s really ridiculous and childish in my opinion. We work for a quadriplegic man that has a seizure problem amongst other things. I need to get ahold of her sometimes and I can’t do that when she blocks me. Anyway, as far as the overnight trip is concerned…I blew it off. I’m not interested in doing that. I mean it’s been nice that we can get along at work and everything but she really upset me with her backstabbing and how she talked about me to other people. How do you trust again?

As far as my changes in eating go…I still lost 3lbs last month despite the holiday food I had and after days where I had to eat what was offered at birthday parties and such. I didn’t expect to lose anything in November or December so it was a welcome surprise. So far I’ve lost 30lbs. I’m very happy with it. 

Well I guess that’s all for now. I’ll try to write again soon. Take care my friends!


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December 8, 2021

Wow! 30 lbs is a lot of weight! I’m sure you already feel much better because of the weight loss. I read somewhere that every pound adds a pressure of four or five pounds to your knees, and I’d imagine that other joints feel similarly, so I’m sure it’s better for your pain levels to be so much lighter! Congratulations!

December 8, 2021

So happy to read you! The older I get the more appts I seem to get. No fun