Picky dog

My sweet Tito is being extremely picky lately. No matter what kind of treat I give him, he spits it out. He’s been doing this since last week. The only treat he’s accepting is a Gravybone biscuit which I only give my dogs once in the morning after they go potty and once in the evening after the last time they go potty before bed. During the day when they go out potty they get a smaller treat, it’s those he’s rejecting. And now today he’s barely accepting his favorite chewys. He’s been sick yesterday and somewhat still today from something he ate so maybe that’s why he’s not as interested in the chewys. I don’t know, I don’t like it! I like to see him happy and healthy. He’s been worrying me anyway before this because he doesn’t eat often and he’s growing taller but not filling out. He’s bony. Maybe he doesn’t like his food now, I don’t know? He liked the one he had for the first year of his life but it was expensive. I might just have to go back to it. 

Enough about that. How about I took a hell of a fall this morning! I had to move Isaiah’s car because he wouldn’t wake up to do it. And after I moved it to the street I was walking back towards my car and my foot hit an uneven piece of sidewalk where it meets my gravel driveway and I flew forward grinding my hand and knee over the gravel. I landed on my left hip too which is the bad side. I tore up my hand bad and my knee a little bit. I had blood all over them and had to clean them up. I’m quite sore now. I haven’t taken a fall in a long time, at least a year. 

I left my mom’s house a little early today because of the heat. Her air conditioner barely works so the house was too warm. She insists nothing’s wrong with it, that it’s just because of how hot it is outside. Mine still gets cold even on the 90°+ days. Not as cold as the other days but still pretty cool. She needs a new one but doesn’t see that. Maybe if she came to my house she’d see how differently they work. Her’s is like 20yrs old. 

So today being that it’s the 4th of July we usually grill out at my mom’s and I make the side dishes but this year we’re skipping it. I think I’m going grocery shopping today to be honest. As long as the store is open I plan to. However my son has to have my daughter and get boyfriend help him get a couch and recliner from his dad’s to store in the basement till he moves out. His dad and his girlfriend bought new furniture and is getting rid of their old stuff which is still in real good condition. The girlfriend didn’t ask anything for it but his dad said he can have them for $50. How ignorant is that? He’s just trying to make a buck on his son. It shouldn’t be that way. My son doesn’t think his girlfriend even knows he’s charging him for it so he’s going to go there and be like…”Ashley, thanks for giving me the couch and recliner for only $50.” That way she will know what his dad is doing. I told him I dare him to do that, he says he definently will. 

Tonight is a fend for yourself night. No cooking or ordering out. I figure after I grocery shop that there’s food to choose from and I’m tired from shopping and putting everything away so just find something. That’s how I do it every time I grocery shop. Because it’s so hot out I don’t want to leave groceries in the hot car while I go into the other store for my meat. So I’ll do that on Monday. Then there’s the trip to Sam’s Club within a week to go get more cases of my bottled water and anything else I feel I need or want. 

That’s it for now, everyone have a good day. Stay cool and enjoy your 4th.

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July 4, 2020

I hope you are feeling better.

July 4, 2020

@jaythesmartone Feeling sore butt otherwise ok. 

July 4, 2020

Have a good 4th and watch out!