Movers Coming Today

Never got a reply from the wrong P, but I messaged one of her daughters and her granddaughter and said that the least you could have done was told me that I had the wrong person after years of messaging her. The daughter blocked me in the granddaughter said, “You can’t be serious. My grandmother is 80 years old and doesn’t know much about computers. I don’t think it was malicious in any way.”

Now it makes sense to me and I kind of felt bad for not thinking of this possibility upfront. I did know she wasn’t young, after all. Other things make sense as well like the son contacting me. He was probably showing her something, got nosy and browse through her messages, saw my name, and looked me up out of curiosity.

P better give us some fucking information today! I’m tired of things being possible but not for sure. I want to be certain about what’s going on and what to expect.

T slaved his ass off packing all day yesterday but couldn’t finish, so he crashed early and got up early to finish before the movers get here later on.