Invisible Grannying

Currently Reading

I love this book so much.  Although it’s not that long since I read it for the first time, I’m still getting loads out of it on the second run through already.  It also gives me lots of potential authors to read in the future.

I’m now into Week 6 of the Sertraline and things are starting to get better at last.  I seem to have a bit more energy in general and the mood is lifting a bit now but sleep is still disturbed and I only average 4-5 hours a night before I’m wide awake and unable to drop off again.  Frustrating.  And ironic that as my body clock is finally fitting in with a more ‘normal’ rhythm of life i.e. instead of staying up till 1 or 2 in the morning which I could do quite easily before I’m now knackered by mid evening and fit for nothing but lying on the bed reading – it would be a perfect opportunity to get to bed early and get a decent sleep – if only I could.  Pointless though because I’d only be awake again in the early hours.  I’ll mention it to the doc tomorrow and see if she can come up with anything.

Poor Mam.  She had a bad week the week before last purely because she did some weeding in the garden one day then tried to go shopping with Caroline the day after but could only manage half way round TESCO before she had to give up and sit down.  She went and lay down on her bed in the afternoon which is unlike her and when my brother and his wife went up to see her the next day, she was off her food and pretty ‘wabbit’ (tired out).

It didn’t help when, that same week, being through in the kitchen one day (although thank goodness she was) she heard a crash and when she went through to the sitting room to investigate, discovered the thread holding a picture above fireplace had frayed and split sending it cascading to the floor.  Amazingly hardly anything else was broken in its journey to the carpet – incredible considering the amount of stuff she has sitting on the mantelpiece – but of course there were splinters of glass everywhere.  She painstakingly tried to pick up as much as she could but had to wait until her cleaner came in the next day in order to hoover up the bits she missed.  The exertion of that on top of everything else just did her in and she was out of sorts for about a fortnight.

The second week she again had to go and lie down on the bed one afternoon and when getting up to make her tea, fell and couldn’t get up.  She has one of these alarms which connects to my sister’s phone and pressed it but Lorna was playing the accordian in a band that night and didn’t hear it.  However it must then be diverted to Caroline’s phone and luckily she was in although the two boys were in bed.  She had no choice but to get them up, bundle them in the car and scoot over to Mam’s where an ambulance was called and paramedics spent two hours with her checking her over.  Luckily no damage was done but she refused to go to hospital (she’s convinced she’ll die if she goes in there) so Lorna and Caroline just kept an eye on her in the days to follow and Lorna organised carers to come in morning and night until she was feeling a bit better.

How frustrating it must be to know you virtually can’t complete even one action the whole way through without resting at intervals which we’re trying to get her to do but – not surprisingly – it’s difficult.  And maddening to have a brain which is perfectly okay but a body which just isn’t playing ball.

We went up to see her last Sunday and she seemed a bit better – still very tired but seeing Lily cheered her up somewhat.  Poor Lorna gets it in the neck continuously though – according to Mam she loses her temper with her all the time, snaps at her regularly and gets her shopping all wrong whereas Caroline is virtually the Archangel Gabriel in contrast!  This is absolute rubbish – if you knew my sister, she’s the sweetest, most helpful person and would do anything for anybody and I’m sure has been extremely exasperated on more than one occasion but would never shout or lose her temper.  And I sure wouldn’t like to deal with Mam on a daily basis – she’d make a saint swear!  But at 92 you can get away with a lot ……

Lily is now on the move!  Not scuttling everywhere as I’d expected once she got mobile but just doing an occasional front crawl and backward bum shuffle as needed.  Still as adorable as ever though.  It’s difficult to get a smiley shot of her now because she won’t sit for long enough any more but she still beams just as much and is apparently very taken with the boys at nursery.  Nothing like starting young.

Getting ready for a bit of sunbathing.

The Orange Look.

Matching Mum and Babe.

Nikki has the chance to get away for a week on holiday to Spain which she’s really looking forward to – full-time work in a nursery and being a single mum is proving stressful and she needs a break.

Joel’s mum has a villa over there which they use for holidays and Joel and Nikki have been lucky to use it a couple of times in the past when they were going out together.  They’ve decided to take Lily over for a week but the event has been marred by recent sadness.  Joel’s stepdad, Jed, collapsed and died on the golf course just over a week ago – they suspect a heart attack and he had had trouble with his heart apparently but we’re not sure of the full details yet.  He was in his seventies although Joel’s mum is a good bit younger having just celebrated her 50th birthday not long ago.  However the holiday’s not until mid August and Jane has no objection to them still going so Nikki’s looking forward to it.

She’s been exhausted these past few weeks – I’ve been helping out with housework and babysitting and on Sunday night I took Lily overnight so that she could get some time to herself (it was a holiday here on Monday) but of course – as all mums know – time minus baby means time to catch up with all the things which have been going by the wayside and she spent Monday morning cleaning the flat before coming to see her much-missed little girl at lunchtime but was glad she got it done and she did get a relaxing evening and half decent sleep.

When we were up in Inverness Mam said to Nikki “how’s your mum going to manage when you go away for the week?” (I think she thinks I’m going to die of loneliness) and Nikki says “oh she only sees us around once a week anyway”.

I sat there with my mouth hanging open.

In the last fortnight I’ve spent the Saturday afternoon with both of them trailing round the town, Sunday we were up in Inverness all day, Monday I babysat Lily while Nikki had an appointment in the afternoon, Tuesday I was down there for my tea, Wednesday I was babysitting in the evening while Nikki had to go into work, Saturday I babysat all afternoon while she went into town with her friend and Sunday I had Lily overnight and into Monday and when Nikki came round we went into town to look for a lightweight buggy and to investigate car seats.  Last night I was round for my tea and on Friday night I have her overnight again while Nikki goes out.

Quite how that translates into ‘once a week’ I’m not entirely sure ……

And did you know there exists a phobia called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?  It means a fear of long words.  The person who thought that one up was having a laugh I think.

Going to post this just now then edit it later with some pics of the darling child – I’ve so many photos on my phone it’s ridiculous – since the routine in the evenings has completely changed, little jobs like editing photos and catching up on here and suchlike have gone by the board and then it becomes such a momentous task that it seems easier to stick your head in the sand and ignore it!

Log in to write a note

Marge I hate to say this but these might be little mini strokes with a bit if dementia (splitting the girls’ virtues) Step back and assess where she us now compared to a year ago Glad she has the call button tho At 92 you can’t take symptoms seperately but need to look at the whole if it I missed all of this with my mom until she has the final stroke Now where’s those pix of Lily??

P.s. ask your doc about clonazepam at bedtime–anti anxiety that calms the racing thoughts– I find it helpful as well as retiring around 9.30 whereas I used to cave around 8 then wake at 2 and would stay awake the rest of the night

July 10, 2013

I can imagine why Nikki is so exhausted as children that age are so demanding. I’ll look out for that book!

You’re busy helping with Lily and loving every minute…quite a conjuring trick to make it appear like you’re there only once a week eh?

July 10, 2013

I googled Tesco and the first hit was for online grocery shopping. I wonder if grocery delivery might make a comeback. I looked up phobia the other day because I was looking for a suffix that means hate–the opposite of -phile. Every source kept telling me -phobia was the opposite of -phile. My thought was people say homophobia and it sounds like fear of homos and I was looking fora more accurate word to mean hate of homos, which is what it often is, in my humble but thoughtful opinion. But the sources all say -phobia means that, too. I burden you with this information because that would give Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia a broader meaning, i.e., fear and loathing of long words. I am trying to decide if my search for clarity led me to a deeper truth about people–that people hate what they fear or maybe fear what they hate. The only thing I can relate it to is that people who are not good at maths often say they hate maths, which maybe grows out of fear of getting the wrong answer and feeling frustrated and ridiculous.

July 10, 2013

ryn: Not since the Leave it to Beaver days.

July 10, 2013

Glad you are coping pretty well – I reckon I now get no more than three hours sleep in one go at nights- but at least have a couple of those

July 10, 2013

I guess if Nikki thinks she sees you only once a week it means you aren’t getting on her nerves!

July 10, 2013

Must be hard for your Mum. She hasn’t had a wee stroke has she? It can affect you that way – extreme exhaustion, falls etc. Your Nikki cracks me up, claiming she only sees you once a week. I’m not sure daughters see their mothers at all. We are just there, like light switches. Your title is brilliant. Hope your sleep improves soon. (writing this at 5am!!)

Love that phobia!!! Great name! 🙂 I think Nikki was trying to make your Mam feel better about her trip. If your Mam knew how often you DO see each other, the guilt that she’d put on Nikki would be horrible. So, Nikki tried to help her accept that her absence would not be a terrible separation at all. Just a thought. Your poor Mam. You live too far from Inverness to be overmore often, don’t you? I live too far from my GM. I’m lucky that my uncle lives quite nearby and he stops over a lot! 🙂 My prayers will be for her. KT

July 10, 2013

don’t think id make it having a child in the house again, was hard enough when my grand kids were in their troublesome period 🙂

July 10, 2013

I’m so glad things are looking up with the Sertraline — what a relief that must be! And I hope it just keeps improving. Sorry about your mom’s troubles, though. Mark’s mom is 92 also, and she is just getting to where she can get out by herself again after breaking her femur last summer. It’s been very hard on her, being pretty much confined to the house. She’s driving again, which I don’t think is a very good idea because her mobility is still poor…. but I’m sure I’d do the same thing in her shoes. If she falls again, that’s probably pretty much it and she’ll end up in a nursing home for good, but I don’t blame her for wanting to do as much as she can while she can still do it. It does kind of suck getting old and having your health go, though.

July 10, 2013

And Lily is, as always, breathtaking!!!

July 11, 2013

She’s very cute and Nikki is VERY lucky to have you. Hopefully she realises that x

July 11, 2013

Nikki is a very pretty young lady……..takes after her good looking mother.

Lolol I remember potty traing and independent two’s and working nights full time I threw up my hands Gave Hubbub Light and took off for a week with my girlfriend to Block Island for a week—worth every minute there I thought Light needed time from me too lol

She is a darling! I love those shoesies in the first pic 🙂

July 11, 2013

Oh dear she is so CUTE. And she loves the camera, I see. That is perfect. I love the little dress, too. I have only nephews and a grandson–no girls to dress up. It must be fun to shop for such an adorable granddaughter. I would wear out the charity shops.

Lily is just adorable. You know what I love so much about babies…it’s their pudgy feet.

I’m interested to see how you’re feeling being on medication. I’m still on the fence about it all.. I also wanted to say thank you so much for noting in The Other Place. It feels good to know that someone is listening, and I can imagine that there are times that knowing what to say is difficult. I’m currently working on a NSFW entry that is very raw….xx

July 12, 2013

oh Lilly is just so beautiful…..

I guess you’ve just blended into the background or something as far as Nikki’s concerned! 😉 Do *you* get to go somewhere for holiday? The pictures are adorable. That looks like an interesting book.

July 14, 2013

Lily is just a doll! funny how all you do translates to once a week. young mothers, really!! not bad for Nikki, she has you and a trip to spain. i’m sorry your mom is having a rough time. from my perspective i am impressed that she has her independence at 92. our bodies do eventually betray us. i will never see 92. i’m glad you are feeling much better, and the med is working.

July 15, 2013

Hasn’t she got a lot of hair! And a lovely smile!

such a beautiful little girl!

RYN: thank you … it certainly was stressful at the time we were in Adelaide, but I hadn’t realised really how much until I came down with this. I will survive, I guess.

July 27, 2013

They look like a happy and healthy Mum and babe.

July 27, 2013

ryn — thanks for the research on the Disembodied Head quote! Weirdly enough, I actually have a picture of the back of it.. WITH the quote… which I was just sure I’d taken but couldn’t find at all when I was posting the entry. Quite odd since it was right with the front of the head picture. I still hate we missed you!! Baker B is now expressing the desire to go back in a few years. Atfirst he was saying 5. He keeps whittling it down. Yippie!!!

MsMarg, you are so sweet! <3

July 29, 2013

You have suddenly reappeared on my bookmarks with an old entry!!! Looking forward to hearing more from you

July 29, 2013

That looks like a very interesting book. I don’t know about daughters — having none, but I know my younger son doesn’t actually see me! I had my almost to the shoulders hair cut short, almost “I’m on the Army” short and until I mentioned it, he didn’t see it!

LOVE the photos.

July 29, 2013

Both are lovely! Really? That means fear of long words? One wonders why not just write fearoflongwords straight out? Latin roots you say? Balderdash! Interesting entry. Again, a darling baby.

I keep meaning to come and note and of course now I remember when I’m heading to bed lol! Just to let you know in case you didn’t see it on FaceBook – Arthur arrived on my birthday – July 27th. He’s doing well and a blog entry is coming shortly about it all 🙂 xx

July 30, 2013
July 31, 2013

When I look at your granddaughter’s photos, I just have to smile. What a sweet little girl. She looks so happy.